Chapter 12

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Narrator POV

A very dull week passed by the students at hogwarts. Lily had avoided James ever since that potions class, you can probably guess what she smelt. James finally got sick of it and took matters into his own hands.

"Lily! Please talk to me!" James pleaded.

"I can't. I'm sorry."

He started getting angry "Why not?! Why can't you just talk to me!"

"Because!" She started "It's too hard."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He yelled.

"Nothing!" She yelled back.

He grabbed tight hold of her hand and pulled her in closer to him, so their bodies were touching.

"What do you want?" He asked again, but he was now calm.

"I don't know." she whispered.

"Lily, you're not only lying to me, but you're lying to yourself. Now I will ask you again. What do you want?" She looked into his eyes.

And before she knew it, he was kissing her. She kissed him back, not just like a normal kiss, but deep and passionate, never ending. Standing in the middle of a deserted corridor, it was like nothing was there to stop them.

James POV

I'm kissing Lily. IM KISSING LILY. It's the greatest feeling in the world, and the best part, she is kissing me back. I coiled my arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. She had one arm around my neck and one slowly pulling through my hair, as she continued to kiss me.

Lily POV

I'm kissing him. It's like my feelings keep getting stronger and stronger for him. I run one of my hands through his touchable black ruffled hair, he smiles through the kiss, as do I. I hate to admit it, but that lasted for a few minutes. Our lips moved in sync with each other, as we both pulled away at the same time. He put his forehead to mine, I closed my eyes and smiled. Out of nowhere, we started laughing.

"It's getting late, we should get back up to the common room." He says, endlessly grinning. I nod my head, also unable to stop smiling, as we head of back to the common room. We walk in silence, but this time it's not awkward silence, it's more of a happy silence. He keeps brushing past my hand, yet not doing anything else. Is he nervous to hold my hand? Suddenly filled with new found confidence, I grab hold of his hand and intertwine my fingers with his- he does the same. We turn and smile at each other, then continue to walk.

We get back to the common room, and it's completely empty; to be honest, I'm not that surprised.

"Good night, James."

"Good night, Lily." I squeeze his hand one last time before rushing up to my dorm. To my surprise, there are 3 girls still awake.

They raise their eyebrows at me "What?" Oh no, they are going to want to know what happened.

"What happened?" They all chorus, think of a lie, Lily! Think!

"Nothing worth mentioning really, I'll tell you tomorrow when I'm not as tired." I grumble, slipping into my pyjamas.

"Okay. But we still want answers!" Claris looks at me, before climbing back into bed, the other girls doing the same.

I flick my lamp off. I need to tell Remus about this, I'm closer to him than any of the girls. Wait, won't he already know? Because of James? I'll tell him anyway. What about me and James? What's going to happen now? Are we in a relationship? Are we still 'just friends'? I wonder who he has told? Sirius, probably. What will happen tomorrow? Will it be really awkward? Overthinking, again


Over detailed paragraph there. I'm slightly busy so I might not to be able to write as much.

Enjoy the read!


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