Chapter 3

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James POV

I don't understand girls. One minute there ignoring you and calling you arrogant and the next minute there holding your hand. Like seriously? Girls are so confusing; Lily especially. In a good way of course. She's so hard to read. I have NO clue what's going on in that intelligent mind of hers. Probably how to make living death or some odd potion.

Lily POV

All that I can think about is James. James. James. And James. Why? I don't get it? Sometimes I confuse myself. Do I like him? Do I hate him? Am I his friend? Should I be his friend? GOD DAMN LIFE IS SO CONFUSING RIGHT NOW! Okay.

"I'll see you later then." I say, as I walk off to find the girls and tell them what happened. I hope they can work it out. Cause I sure can't.
"Okay, I'll see you later then."
I don't even feel like eating at the moment. I just want to figure things out. Instead of heading down to the feast. I go straight up to the dorm and start unpacking when:

"TELL US EVERYTHING." Three excited girls came and sat on my bed with eager looks on their faces.
"Tell you what? That I had a boring meeting?"
"No of course not! About James!" Autumn says.
My heart is racing right about now. "Why? What did he tell you?"
"Just that you two held hands!" She over emphasises hands.
"And that's it." I say "That's all that happened."
"Do you like him?" Says Claris.
"If I knew, I would tell you. But honestly, I don't know myself."
"Okay, so tell us what you like about him. And what you don't." Florence is smart, I don't know what she's doing but there will be some sort of conclusion.

"Okay," I begin "He's smart, handsome, he has big brown eyes, gorgeous hair, cute smile. On the other hand, he hexes people, but he stopped doing that, so I guess I can't say that. He asks me out constantly, but he hasn't done that for months, so I guess I can't say that either. Oh, I don't know!" I fling myself onto my bed and the other girls exchange excited looks.
"What?" I say.
"YOU LIKE HIM!" They all say, squealing.
"I do?"
"You do!"
"How do you know?"
"You could only think of good things! Lily has a crush!" Squeals Florence. I knew she had it.
"I wouldn't call it a crush..." I can't believe I'm going to do this "I don't think it's a crush... I think it's more of a like. Than a crush." I said it.

I like James Potter. Out of all the boys in the world. It was James Potter.

James POV

Lily didn't turn up to the feast. I guess she wasn't hungry.

"Do you think Lily likes you?" I turn to Sirius.
"I don't know. Girls are so confusing."
"Do you think Autumn likes me?"
"Autumn. The pretty girl who hangs out with Lily a lot?"
"Awh!" I say "Does my best friend like her?"
"Maybe he does. A little."
"Come here you big softie!" I get him into a headlock and ruffle his hair.
"I am not a softie!"
"Sure your not." I smirk.

Lily POV

A couple of weeks have passed and me and James are getting really close. I don't want to admit it but I'm kind of warming up to him. He's being really sweet and kind, he helps me with my homework and I help him with his. We spend a lot of time talking and just getting to know each other without even realising it. We would stay up late talking at night just about random things, I don't know. It's really nice. It just makes me want to tell him more that I like him. I really like him. I want to tell him so badly it's unreal. But I can't, not yet.

Hi againnn!

Oh the jily feels!

Yes I know I'm not good at writing but hey, I try my best. I was in a writing mood today so I published 3 chapters. It gets more exciting I promise. Because now, even I admit, it's pretty boring.

I don't expect many reads on this chapter because it's late at night but if you live in a country other than England then that might not be the case.

G' night

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