Chapter 7

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Narrator POV

The windy October morning of the first Qudditch match of the year, a nervous James Potter trotted into the great hall, tucking his thumbs into his jean pockets. Sitting opposite Lily, he shovelled some toast onto his plate.

"Go out with me, Lily. For good luck?" He teased. She looked up and glared at him, and to her surprise, he glared back. This lasted for a few seconds until smiles were twitching at their lips and they broke eye contact.

"I have all the luck I need." Smirked Sirius, sitting down at the table next to Autumn, putting his arm around her.

"Your so cheesy." She murmured, grinning.

"Oh you love me." He retorted, as she turned to him and kissed his cheek, then continued to eat her hash brown.

Sat in the Quidditch tent, James was breathing heavily, trying to stay calm. Someone burst through the tent.

"Lily? What are you-" she ran up to him, grabbing a fistful of his Quidditch jumper, pulling him down, letting his lips meet contact with hers. Just for a few seconds, he enjoined the warm pleasure, until she broke contact, yet staying close to his face.

She looked into his eyes "Good luck." She let go of his jumper, scurrying out of the tent, her long red curly hair waving behind her. Leaving him in total bewilderment, Sirius put his hand on James' shoulder.

"Mate, I know your happy right now, but we have a game to win."

"Oh... yeah. The game. Let's win!" He came back to his senses.

On his broom, James searched the crowd for Lily, yet he seemed to loose focus when Madam Pooch blew the whistle to start the game. He had a snitch to find. As the game went on, the weather only seemed to get worse. Rain furiously hitting the lenses of his glasses, he squinted, trying desperately to even catch a glimpse of the snitch. Fog started to slowly cascade the air around him as he could no longer see anything at all, just a few broom zooming past him. Not looking in this direction, a blunger knocked him in the side of his head, sending him flying off his broom. He was falling, from quite a height, his head was pounding and his vision started getting blurrier. Suddenly... darkness.

Slowly regaining vision, he felt someone clutching his hand, stroking their thumb up and down his knuckles. Realising who it was, he squeezed the hand.

"James?" A panic stricken voice said "Are you okay?"

"Seems like I am now, hmm?" He cooly replied.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He felt a warm hand slowly stroke his cheek. Opening his eyes fully, in front of him (of course); Lily. "Were you worried?"

"Petrified." She sighed, smiling "Does it hurt? Your head?"

"Not much, anymore. How long have I been out?" He asked.

"Since yesterday, you missed a couple of classes." She kept looking at him with sorrow, yet relieved that he was awake.

"Wait what time is it?" He asked, concerned.

"About 9:30 in the morning, why?"

"You should be in first Period! Did you sneak out here? You should be in class! You never miss class!"

She laughed at the worry in his voice "Don't worry, I was excused."

"For me?"

She nodded. Her eyes filled up with tears of relief, staring at him, she choked them back. She closed her eyes, looking away and blushing a maroony sort of colour. He let go of her hand, then interlocked his fingers into hers, gripping her tight. She opened her eyes, smiling at him.

"I should go and inform Madam Pomphrey that your awake, I think she told me to." She bent over him and pecked his cheek, rushing off to find Madam Pomphrey, leaving James to his thoughts.


I haven't updated for a couple of days! I was at my brothers football... yay? And then I went out for tea. Then I went swimming with my family and cinema with friends!

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Yes it's late I know, but at least I said it in the end.

This chapter was pre- written. Because the other night, I was feeling creative, so I decided to write a nice long descriptive chapter.

I'm sorry if this bores you! Plus I think I put in a couple of complicated words in there, so I'm sorry! Oops!

Enjoy the read!


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