Chapter 10

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Lily POV

I'm so confused. I mean, I kissed James, before the quidditch match, yet he just acted like it never happened. We have become a lot closer and all, but I seriously don't know what runs through his mind. I enjoyed yesterday so much at the party, just spending time with him makes me happy. To think that 6 months ago I thought of him as the arrogant and selfish annoying prat who wouldn't leave me alone, and flirted with every girl he caught sight to. It turns out, he didn't flirt with as many people as I thought he did, and he only tried hard with me. I never really noticed. But now he's so sweet to me and I really enjoy spending time with him. It's funny how how things can change so much in the period of 3 months.

I need some advice about James because I really don't know what to do. Okay, I need advice. From not just anyone, from Sirius.

Sirius POV

"Sirius?" Lily approaches me, looking at the floor and messing with her fingers "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I pat the cold stone stair and she sits down next to me "Is there something wrong?"

"Um... no. I wanted to talk to you. About James."

"You falling for him? Hard?"

She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder and softly nods her head "I don't know what to do."

"Knowing James the longest, and the best, of course, makes me perfect for giving you advice. So let me tell you this: James likes you. He really likes you. You just need to go and tell him. Not for him to find out from someone else."

"Thank you." She whispers, I put my hand on her knee, her head still on my shoulder."

James POV

Watching this for a few seconds, my best friend comforting Lily, makes me a little uncomfortable.

"Your like the boyfriend I never had." She said.

WHAT? I'm sorry, WHAT? She wants Sirius? I guess I was wrong. I march myself up to the common room, waiting for them to arrive.

Lily POV

"Your like the big brother I never had." I said, wrapping my arm around his.

"And if rather have you as a sister than any of my brothers." He laughs.

"We had better get back up to the common room, it's getting late." I say, getting up and holding out my hand to help him up.

"I can get up by myself, thank you." He says, getting up yet stumbling over the stairs and falling down.

"You sure about that?" I laugh.

"Not anymore, no." he laughs as we head off to the common room.

We enter the common room and Sirius heads up to his dorm. Okay, here goes.

"James? Can I talk with you?" I ask.

"Actually I have something to say to you." He walks up to me and folds his arms.

"Okay..." I'm confused.

"Why would you say that?" He frowns.

"I don't understand James I-"


Tears welled up in my eyes. What have I done wrong? "You know what? I thought you had changed. Your just as arrogant and as vain as you were before. I regret agreeing to be friends with you." I run out of the common room, tears relentlessly spilling down my cheeks.

Sirius POV

James storms into the bedroom.

"Hey, Prongs, listen I-"

"NO YOU LISTEN TO ME!" He shouts, taking me by surprise "YOUR JUST AS BAD AS HER. YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK. SHE CALLED YOU 'the boyfriend she never had' WHY? YOU KNEW I LIKE HER!"

I start getting angry "SHE DID NOT SAY THAT! SHE SAID 'big brother' I WAS GIVING HER ADVICE! ON YOU! SHE REALLY LIKED YOU. BUT NOW IM NOT SO SURE." I stomp out of the dorm and slam the door in an anguished frenzy, going to find Lily.

James POV

I've done it now. I kicked the bedpost in anger and sadness. I lost her. I lost him. I misunderstood something so small that it had to ruin everything. Why did I say all of those things? 'You're just as bad as her'? Where has this come from. I was wrapped up tight in jealously. Of how close they are. Why?

Narrator POV

On the late night of early November, Sirius rushed off to find Lily. He found her; sobbing into her knees. He sat down next to her. He hugged her tight. She put her head into his chest and continued to cry, and Sirius even shed a tear himself, unknowingly, James was watching.

"Why would he say such nasty things?" She sobbed, wiping her eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe he was jealous. He likes you. And I know you like him too." Sirius explained.

"I do. I was going to tell him then, but he came out with all of those horrible comments and I don't even know heat I've done wrong!" She cried harder, thinking of James and why he would say those words.

James watched, desperately wanting to go and hug her, he hated seeing her upset. She liked him. He tightly clenched his fists, determined not to cry.

"He thought... nevermind." Sirius said, stroking Lily's hair and shushing her, trying to get her to calm down. James could not help but think that he was supposed to be the one comforting her. He lost her. And him.

Ooo drama!

Hi ho!

This might confuse you so I will now explain it.

James misunderstood and thought Lily said 'boyfriend' instead of 'brother'. Just incase you didn't understand.

Most of my chapters are pre- written now. Just thought you ought to know!


I have decided to stop this fan fiction. It's not that I don't want to, I just feel that I can do a lot better than this. I have up to chapter 14 saved so I will keep updating you and it will end at chapter 14.

I am also going to start another Jily fanfic! I think I can write better than this. I can't bring myself to delete this one so re read it with all pleasure ☺️

I would also just like to say that THE FIRST CHAPTER WAS PUBLISHED LAST NIGHT. So I will continue with that one.


I'll post the next chapter when this chapter gets 25 reads!

Enjoy the read!


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