Chapter 4

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James POV

"Lily?" I say. God why am I so nervous? I've done this so many times before! Why am I nervous? Is it because there is that slight chance she might say yes? Okay, here goes.

"Mhm?" She replied, still engulfed in her transfiguration book.

"I was just wondering... uh... if maybe... you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend with me?" She looks at me "You know, as friends."

She turns back to her book "Sure. Why not."

"Seriously?" Wow "Is this a joke? Was that a yes?"

"It was." She laughs.

"Wow... uh... thanks!" I rush out of the library. Where are the marauders when you need them?!

"Oh Moony!" I spin round to find Moony sitting in an empty corridor reading a book, because it's Remus. "GUESS WHAT?"

"Wow this must be exciting." He closes his book "What?"

"I'm going to Hogsmeade with Lily!" My insides are doing somersaults.

"She said yes?" He looks surprised. Honestly, I don't blame him.

"Well, as friends. But still!" I sound like a little kid. Right now, I don't even care!

"Congratulations. Remember, Lily's not the kind of person who likes to take things fast, lower your hopes. It will take some time." He knows Lily better than anyone, even her little girl group.

"Okay. Okay. Have you seen Padfoot?" I ask him.

"Actually, I saw him with Autumn, near the black lake a couple of hours ago. I think he really likes her." Moony says. I'm so happy for him.

"Oh, he does! I'll see you later then!" He waves, smiles and opens his book once again.

Lily POV

I said yes. I said yes. As friends. I'm going to Hogsmeade with James. I need to talk to someone. Remus. Yes, that would be a good thing to do, Remus knows James pretty well. Okay, I'll go and find Remus. I leave the library, taking a few turns, I know where Remus likes to get some peace and quiet.


"Remus. Hi." I go and sit next to him.

"A little excited birdie told me you were going to Hogsmeade with him." Instantly, I knew he meant James.

"Did he? Well, did he mention he said 'just friends'?"

"I believe he did. And he's very excited about it, even though it's just friends. I don't think he wants it to be 'just friends'. Do you want it to be 'just friends'?" He asked me.

"Do you want the truth?"


"You have to swear not to tell. Promise?"

"I promise."

"My truthful answer: I don't know." I trust Remus not to tell anyone.

"You don't? Well do you like him?"

"I do. But, I don't know what to do." I sigh, I lean my head on his shoulder. "What do I do?"

"Well I think the only person who can answer that question, is you."

"Why can't you just tell me what to do?!" I don't know why, I'm getting frustrated.

"Because," he stays calm "You're the only one that knows exactly what you want. I don't know what you want. Only you can answer that."

Why does he have to be so smart! He's right though. And then, I know what I want.

"Thank you Remus." I stand up, peck the top of his head and run off.

Read that in your head like Marcus Butler.

So! Here's another chapter! My other ones got quite a few reads so I'll do a couple more chapters today.

I would have done some earlier, but I slept till 1:30pm and went bowling till 5 so there you go. I will do some more tonight!

Idk if anyone reads this authors note I put at the end of a chapter. I'll still do them anyway idc if anyone reads them!

I might start another story... maybe Hinny? I have a couple of ideas for Hinny. Let me know if your enjoying my fanfic and if you think I should start another!

Thanks for reading!


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