Chapter 11

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Lily POV

I just need to forget about him. But I can't. Yes, I can. But I still can't. I can't even stop thinking about him. He said all of those things, and I don't even know what I did wrong.

"LILY!" I hear a familiar voice call me and footsteps moving faster towards me. I walk quicker. "Please stop! I need to talk to you."

"I don't need to talk to you." I turn around and fold my arms, fighting back the tears; I'm not going to let him break me.

"If you don't want to talk to me, then I guess I'll have to talk to you." Curse his god damn smart logic "I didn't mean anything I said. I promise I didn't. I misunderstood something that I heard. I was snooping, which was kind of wrong too. And I'm so so sorry."

He looked like he was going to cry. I can't even do this anymore "Listen, you hurt me more than anything. You completely shattered me. I accept your apology. But I'm going to need some time to think about it." Okay I'm crying now.

"Lily wait." He says, I turn to James. Out of nowhere, he wipes my wet cheeks with his thumb then strokes my cheek "Please don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you like this."

"I'm sorry." I whisper "Friends?"

"Friends." He says, as I run off before I cry again.

It's going to be so hard. I can't even look at him without crying. I need to be strong. We're friends now. Hopefully everything can go back to normal now.

The next day in potions, professor Slughorn places me 3 seats away from James. Great. Just great.

"Now today you will try and make a love potion known as amortentia. The instructions are on page 267 of your books. Good luck." He said, And with that we all started.

"I don't understand?" James was looking poplexed at his potions book. "Help me?" He looked at me sympathetically.

I walk over to him "You used to many unicorn hairs, which has made it all runny." I laugh.

"It's not funny!" He pouts, I laugh again and walk back over to my potion. That boy never fails to make me smile.

I followed the instructions perfectly. Right, here it goes.

I smell furniture polish, um... a strong scent of coconut. Where have I smelt that before? Oh no. It's can't be?

I walk over to James "James!" I grab hold of his tie and pull him down to my level and take a wiff of his neck.

"Crap." I say quietly, letting go of James (who was now wildly smirking) and walking back to my potion.

salve amicis

If that was unclear to you, it means 'hello friends' in Latin.

I'm not kidding, I have literally planned out like the next 5 chapters and a lot of other stuff that will happen later on in the fanfic. I feel an obsession.

Okay so I don't know what else to put in my authors note.

25 reads and I'll post the next chapter!

Enjoy the read!


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