Chapter 6

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James POV

She kissed me. She kissed me.

I keep running things over in my head after such an amazing day. I like her so much. But what if she doesn't like me back? What if she's just using me? What if this is all a set up for people to laugh at me? No. She wouldn't do that. Would she? No. She wouldn't. I trust her.

All of these thoughts are racing through my mind as I just sit on my bed and stare into space. I can't sleep. It's 1 in the morning and I just can't sleep. Might as well go down to the common room.

I stumble down the stairs to find someone still up, sat on the sofa reading a book; Lily.

"Couldn't sleep?" I say, wiping my eyes under my glasses.

"No." She sighs, I go and sit down next to her.

"So, what are you reading?" I've never seen this book before.

"It's a muggle book." That explains it "You probably won't understand it."

"Probably not." I laugh "So why couldn't you sleep?"

"These stupid nightmares I keep having." She closes her book and leans back onto the sofa "Why are you up this late?"

"Just had a lot on my mind lately. Uh, home stuff."

"What's it about?" She turns to me "You can trust me right?"

"I can. But I don't want to drag you into my life outside of hogwarts. That wouldn't be nice for you." Good cover up.

"Fair enough." She looks so tired.

"Are you sure you can't sleep? You look pretty tired."

"Any of your concern?" She says, smiling wearily.

"Nope, just don't want you to fall asleep in class tomorrow. You know, because that's not the Lily Evans I know."

"Your probably right." She stands up "See you in the morning."

"But it is the morning. 1:08am precisely."

"Stop trying to be a smartass, James. You know what I meant." She laughs. And with that, she's gone.

Lily POV

The next day in class, I am pretty tired. Binns' lecture makes me want to drop to sleep. I get passed a note.

You feeling better now? Not sleepy?

It's from James. I turn and smile at him. Quickly, I scribble a reply.

A little, thanks. Still quite tired though.

It's quite sweet that he cares, and he remembers.

I know you won't want me asking you this, but do you think those nightmares will keep you up tonight too?

He's right, I don't want him asking me that. But I also don't want to lie to him. I have to give him a truthful answer.

To be honest, I don't know. I've been having them for a while now. And I don't know if they will stop.

I see him write a quick reply.

You have a free period this afternoon?

Where is he going with this?

Sure. Why?

Get some sleep then. I'm sure no one will mind!

Is he serious? It's s great idea! He's smarter that he makes himself out to be.



Okay. Thanks. Better try and pay attention now, don't send anything back xx

After lunch, James comes up to me.

"You going to go and catch up on some sleep?"

"James, as much as I'd love to, I don't really know." I sigh.

"Well you are."

"How do you-" suddenly, he picks me up bridal style "James! Put me downn!" I'm laughing. I don't know why.

"Nope. You're going to get some sleep!"

"You'll hurt your back! There's too many stairs!" I laugh. But being in his arms makes me feel so safe. I could just go to sleep.

James POV

I'm carrying Lily up the stairs to her dorm because she refuses to sleep.

She bangs her hand on my chest "Put me dow..." She falls asleep instantly. I have succeeded.

I carry her up to her dorm and rest her in bed. I'm about to leave when she grabs my wrist.

"Thanks." She whispers.

"Sweet dreams." I reply softly, silently closing the door behind me.

Hey guys!

Another chapter! I changed my story cover! Do you like it? I did a bit of editing and it turned out pretty good!

Also, I would like to sincerely apologise as in my fan fiction there is a lot of talking. I'm sure you'll get bored of it and I'll try my best not to put in as much talking as I do now.

I have a load of plans for this fanfic! I have planned out the next couple of chapters and I think you'll like them! Look out for an update!

Enjoy the read!


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