Chapter 27- Final Thoughts

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"Alright, next! Who do we have here? State your name, age, and add prior experience if any is present."

"My name is Link sir. I am sixteen years old, and I have no prior experience in the Hylian army."

The Hylian record keeper looked Link up and down for a second, nodded, then wrote down in his document the scarce information he had been offered. Nowadays, it was much easier to be accepted into training for becoming a Hylian knight. With time constantly passing, and fear of the inevitable calamity ever approaching, Hyrule felt that all help would be needed and was welcome.

"Alright, you're in the record book. Thank you for enlisting. First day of training begins tomorrow, at dawn. I'll put you in, let's see," the record keeper glanced down and went through another paper then looked back at Link, "company fifteen. That will land you with Captain Andro. Report to your captain, he should be found in the main courtyard, where all the captains are gathered. Main courtyard is that way, good luck. Next!"

Link nodded his thanks, slung his leather sack around his shoulder, and started walking in the direction the record keeper had pointed him in. Link felt like he shouldn't be smiling, but he was. Ever since he could remember, enlisting in the Hylian army as a knight had been his dream. Now, it was his reality. All his training was about to finally start paying off.

Link ran his fingers through his light brown hair, looked around to make sure no one was watching him, and tilted his head back to whisper to the sword strapped to his back, "You hear that Fi! I'm officially signed up! We did it! I'm finally a trainee knight!"

"Congratulations, Master. I guess we'll ignore the fact you had to rehearse your name, age, and prior experience 'speech' exactly eleven times before getting in line with the others signing up."

Link rolled his eyes at the voice that teased in his mind, "You have real audacity to sass me in my own head you know."

He heard Fi give a metallic laugh, "I jest, Link. I really do mean congrats when I say it. Although I feel first talking to you captain would make things official. The way to the main courtyard the record keeper mentioned is straight ahead to the stone path, take a le-"

"Left, I know, I know. Fi, I grew up here, I know the way."

"I see. Proceed to the route then."

Link nodded his head and grinned, quickening his pace. He took in every bit of surroundings, the strong feelings of nostalgia and excitement taking away his anxieties, doubts, and fears, if only temporarily. Central Hyrule was as he remembered it for the most part, although it did have some noteworthy changes. In five years, he expected as much. The newer houses seemed to be built higher, and the architecture of new buildings was built around a more modern layout. The streets were a bit busier, and the flags that fluttered in the spring breeze looked like they were finer stitched than when he had seen them last. Another new staple was the presence of Sheikah laboratories to assist with technological research.

Seeing the Sheikah labs reminded Link of Purah, who was now eighteen years old. When she had reached seventeen, she was at the age to apply and find a career, finally fulfilling her dream to become an official Sheikah researcher. With her knack for the Sheikah technology, eccentric personality, and of course a formal letter of recommendation from Impa that couldn't have hurt, Purah was quickly accepted to the main laboratory that resided in Central Hyrule.

Link made his way to the main courtyard area in no rush, still soaking in everything around him. As it wasn't as organized and quiet as Kakariko Village, something about the hustle and bustle of the busy town appealed to Link in its own way. Something about walking in a bustling community had an exciting feeling, knowing that in this complex environment, you had a piece to play in it all. Being one figure in a crowd had its strange charm. Link felt, with the significant burden he carried, that being in a crowd was special because no one noticed or cared about his role. He was just an average Hylian minding his own business. He pushed aside his worries and anxieties, pretending in his mind to be what everyone at that moment saw him to be, just a normal Hylian making his way through a busy town.

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