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The art does not belong to me.  For this request, we get loads of Stolas POV!  This request is for F0rdSeller Big ass WARNING!  Depictions of abuse and somewhat rape (Octavia came to be somehow, how dare you do this Stella!) turn back now if this triggers you!
Arranged marriage?  But he had never met this woman before.  At least, not until today.

"Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia, do you take lady Stella to be your lawfully wedded wife?  To have and to hold?  In sickness and in health?  'Till second death do you part?"

Stolas looked to his right, where his father stood.  He was a near carbon copy of the man, except for the cold violet eyes.  Those eyes said it all; yes.  He had no choice this time.  Just like every other time.  Slowly, he faced the priest again.

"I do."

His fate was sealed.  His freedom completely stripped away from him.  Any hope of true happiness gone.

At the reception, the two looked happy as they danced.  Truthfully, Stolas was a nervous wreck and Stella smirked deviously, pulling him ever closer to her.

"'Till death do we part, Stolas~" she purred in the owl's ear, sending a shiver of fear down his spine.

That night, when they returned to their mansion, Stella swiftly pinned Stolas to their now shared bed.  She tugged off his tie, then pristine white jacket, and began working on his shirt buttons.

"S-Stella, wait, what're you—"

"We're going to make a baby to carry on our name, Stolas~" she purred devilishly, nearly ripping his pants off of him, "whether you like it or not~"

Before Stolas could do anything in an attempt to stop her, Stella had tied his hands to the bed frame.  She then spread his legs and tied them to the posts of their bed.  Once satisfied with his position, she began taking her dress off.

Stolas quickly clenched his eyes shut, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.  His heart thundered in his chest.  His lungs threatened to burst from his hyperventilating.  His mind and body yearned for freedom.  Once the weight of her body met his, their two cloacas pressing together, his tears finally fell.  Rivers carved pathways down his feathered cheeks and down his forehead somewhat.

"Don't be s-such a baby~" Stella grunted, rubbing against him at a fast pace.  He couldn't fight back.  He was taught to respect women and never hurt them.


Through their loveless transactions, Octavia was at last born.  Though she had been the product of undesired consummation on Stolas's part, he truly loved his baby girl.  She was the sunshine to his dreary life.  Nothing could change that.

"How fucking hard is it to remember our anniversary, Stolas!?" Stella screamed.  She threw a pot at the back of her husband's head, watching it shatter.  Splinters of the terracotta embedded in his head, and she watched the blood drip down with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, Stella, truly.  I've had so much work from Lucifer that I needed to attend to.  My attention can only go to so many things," he explained.  He suppressed his wince of pain as he turned to her.

"Fuck that work!  I'm more important than it!"

Stolas watched his wife leave the room, listening to her swift footsteps returning to their room.  He couldn't take this anymore!  He pulled on his cape and dashed out the mansion, ignoring the protests of worry coming from many of the servants.

Just run.  Run as far and fast as he could.  He lost track of where he was through the haze of tears.  When running was no longer an option due to the pain in his chest and legs, he shakily knelt down on the ground, sobbing and holding his face in his hands.

"Stols?" a somewhat deep male voice called softly.  Only one person called him that.  He looked up to see Blitzø in front of him, wearing a pink off-the-shoulder shirt and booty shorts.

"B-Blitzy," he whimpered and hugged him tightly.  Blitzø held him close, frowning in worry when he saw the injury.

"Fuck, she really did it this time.  Come on, I have a med-kit at home."

The imp helped his avian lover back to his apartment, where he took the terracotta out of his wound and bandaged it to the best of his abilities.  He hated this.  Being unable to help more made him feel so powerless.  Tiredly, the prince laid his head on the imp's chest.  His body and mind were exhausted.

"You can stay as long as you need," Blitzø whispered before the avian fell asleep.  This time, he swore to return with Stolas as his personal guard.

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