Chapter 2

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I didn't bother to go to work today since Kerry offered to work today so I planned to spend the day with Mark we were going on a date tonight but I have a few errands to run.
I got out of bed took a shower I got out of the shower and wrapped my wet body in a towel I walked into the bedroom to pick out my outfit for today, I decided on wearing my peach wool sweater my dark blue jeans a white scarf and some brown boots,I applied some blush to my cheeks and a little bit of eye shadow I gave my hair a few curls and put it in a pony tail "Hey babe " I heard from behind me Mark stood there shirtless in his boxers only "Morning love "I said as I walked over and gave him a peck on the lips "I am going to the supermarket and to run a few errands I'll be back in time for our date" I said as I poked him playfully in the chest, he smiled at me and gave me a kiss on my head,"Bye I'll be back soon".
I decided to walk to the supermarket since it was a few blocks away.When I arrived I pulled my trolley through each isle picking up stuff I needed I forgot that I needed some Milk and cereal and I have already joined the line so I told the person behind me to keep my space as I darted towards the dairy isle and grabbed a carton on almond milk and a box of Honey Bunches of Oats.As I was running back into the line but I collided into someone "Hey ,hey slow down ",I looked up to see the same guy from the shop yesterday "So Sorry" I said words hardly audible because I was panting,"Its ok uhh... You're that girl from the flower shop,Im James nice to meet you again sorry for my girlfriends behavior yesterday","Its ok I'm used to it and I'm Melissa "I said as he shakes my hand "Bye I really have to go" I said and walked away swiftly I could feel James looking back at me.
I finished cashing and was on my way out the door when someone stopped me "Hey Melissa you busy next week Friday?"James asked "No but I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend so I can't date","Who told you it was a date and she broke up with me","Ohh I'm so sorry to hear,if it makes you feel better I can hang out with you Friday",I said "Yeah It would ",he said "Okay I'll meet you at the flower shop,bye"I said as I walked away with two bags of groceries in my hands "I wish I had a car" I said to myself "Then let me drive you around to where you need to go" I turned around to see James "You don't need to","I don't need to but I want to"he said with a grin on his beautiful face.

I loosed to James because he is so manipulative and charming so I got in the his white Mercedes Benz as he placed my groceries around the back of the car,"Ok chauffeur my first stop is the mall" I said as he started the engine "Ok Cinderella your wish is my command",we both giggled and I swat him on the arm playfully.We drove in silence I hated silence so I turned on the radio and luckily my favorite song was playing Thinking out loud by Ed Sheran, "When your legs don't work like they used to before and I cant sweep you off of you're feet",I singed softly I could see James staring at me smiling "Keep your eyes on the road "I said to him he just smiled at me "Did you know you are beautiful","Yeah I'm flawless" I said in a sing song voice like Beyoncé .
We arrived at the mall I needed some decoration for my apartment so I went into Home Depot as James followed me inside I didn't spend a long time in the store just bought a few plates and cups and that's it.
"You hungry?",James asked,"Yeah "I said,"What You want to eat?","I feel for some fries and milkshake","Okay I'll be right back". I sat in the food court waiting on James who was ordering my food, so I just sat there looking around the mall and I saw I familiar man walking with a blonde hair girl my chest tightened my head began to hurt ,my eyes were at its peak of watering but I held it in as I saw Mark with James girlfriend she looked over where I was sitting and I just turned my face quickly, when I thought it was safe I turned around to see her kissing him,My heart hurts and I just began to cry I loved him so much.
James returned with my fires but I wasn't hungry anymore I was sobbing he held my hand rubbing my knuckles with his thumb "What's wrong love","Nothing I'm fine", I lied "You can tell me","I saw Mark with another woman;your girlfriend kissing"I literally cried out , James released my hands from his grip and clenched his fist his jaw tightened and his eyes got darker "Its gonna be okay I'll drive you home", he said trying hard to keep his cool but I didn't feel to "Can I stay at your place tonight?","Yeah sure let's go" he said as he grabbed my hand and led me outside into the car.
We drove to his house more like masion the house was huge with grey brick walls the drive way was like a runway at a airport,it had a pool at the side Oh my gosh,this is better than my apartment.
We went upstairs to James room inside was decorated like a castle.His room was neat he had a book shelf filled with books."Nice place"I said "Thanks make yourself at home"he sighed.I changed into James T-shirt and his boxers and pull my hair in a ponytail I fell asleep a few minutes after.
*Hey its your author hope you enjoyed it :)*

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