Chapter 16

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Brace yourself this is gonna be a emotional chapter.

I woke up with a funny feeling in my stomach and a ache in my abdomen, it wasn't that bad so I shook it off and freshened up since I had nothing planned for today.
James and I were at home cuddling on the couch watching The Vow
and eating m&ms then I felt the pain again this time worst I clenched the fabric of James's T-shirt he furrowed his eyebrows at me and then I clenched his shirt tighter as the pain got worse"Mel you are bleeding" I hear James say to me I looked down at my sweat pants which was covered in my blood,"It hurts James" I manage to say as I groan in pain ,"Okay I'm gonna take you to the doctor OK",he said frantically as he lifted me up bridal style and carried me in the car, I Was coughing up blood and my stomach hurts so bad,we were at the hospital in no time,we were in a room in no time my eyes began to hurt and my vision got blurry all I could hear was someone shouting she's loosing blood and then after I knew it I passed out.
When I woke up I was in a blue hospital gown I scanned the room beside me were scissors blades needles scallops and cotton in a metal tray.James was sitting in the corner crying "What's wrong" I asked him,"Uhh you're awake",he said as he rushed by my side,"What happened to me","Uhh I don't wanna tell you","Tell me", I said pure panic in my voice,"Our baby is dead it wasn't breathing",I couldn't answer, I couldn't cry, I couldn't believe James dipped down and hugged my chest I knew he was crying I felt the hot tears seep through my gown, I didn't have the strength to cry so I was now depressed,the door squeaked open revealing to doctors a old man and a young woman,"Hey how you feeling",i didn't answer I was still in a state of shock I was so happy and ready for my new love, new life and I lost my baby,"She Knows?",I heard the young woman say which from her name tag read Hillary,"Yea She heard" James say still sobbing,"Okay miss you are gonna spend two days in the hospital we'll release you Friday", I just nodded my head which made me wince from the pain,I fell asleep soon after.
During the two hours I'm here I had no company James has gone back to the house to get my stuff so I was told by a nurse who popped her head through the door when I just woke up, I laid there as thoughts raced through my mind;what was the baby gonna be like,what went wrong,why me,why us?,there was a knock at the door then it opened revealing Kelly waking in with a banana in her hand ,"Hey babe how you feeling I'm so sorry for your loss",she said as she hugged me and handed me the banana which I peeled instantly,"I can't believe"was all I managed to say,and she stayed silent which made me feel a little bit less sad since she avoided the topic.After a few minutes James was back with my stuff,James and Kelly spent a few more hours with me but Kelly left and James stayed and slept at the hospital with me during the night I didn't sleep I actually began to cry from the pain that I was feeling emotionally.

Sorry guys I haven't updated in awhile busy with projects 😟

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