Chapter 17

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It was my last day at the hospital I woke my eyes burning from all the crying last night.I saw James sleeping like a baby on the little couch in the corner of the room the door squeaked open and I saw my nurse Cassie carrying a tray of food "How are you feeling she asked with a huge smile on her face probably because it was the end of the month pay day and the day I would turn eight months pregnant,"I'm feeling good can't wait to leave" I sighed,she sat beside me and handed me my tray of food which had an apple a small bowl of oatmeal porridge,"Every thing is gonna be fine",she said as she left.

I ate off my food and sat up in the room on my phone checking my Twitter everyone was sending me get well messages which made me smile for the first time today,"You're up", I heard James say as he stretched and stood up off the couch and gave me a kiss on my cheek,"Today is my last day here", I chirped,"I know thank god the couch is quite uncomfortable", he chuckled making me smile,"But I do it form my love",James said as he kissed me on my lips and we began to kiss but it didn't last for long because the doctor came in "Hey lovebirds today you can leave so she can change out of the gown and check out and pay your hospital bill", he said in a calm tone and I thanked him and he left.

I got up from the bed and changed out of the gown and placed it on the bed in a neat fold,James and I walked out the room,I was still a little bit weak my belly was still a little plump like when I was in my first stage of pregnancy,we stopped at the counter and paid the bill it was $120 dollars but it was nothing to James,we paid and left the car was parked a few feet away,"Im so glad to go back home"," Im glad you're home too", he said making me blush,we got in the car and we began to drive,"Can you believe that I'm not gonna be a dad again I was looking forward to it", I really didn't want to talk about it so I didn't answer,the words from Bianca raced through my mind I hope your baby dies which made me boil over with anger ,clenching my fist making James look at me he then held my hand and focused back on the road and the rest of the ride was silent

After a few minutes we arrived home,it was so good to be home as I got inside I was greeted by the maids they hugged me and gave me a get well card which was signed by all of them," Thank you guys so much",I said as I hugged them back one by one it was Lilian's turn she gave me the tightest hug which felt real when I pulled from the hug and she was in tears"I know what it's like to loose a baby",she said through her tears I just pulled her in for a next hug,after all the hugging and tears James and I went upstairs and I took a good bath,while James was in the study doing some paperwork,so I sat on the bed watching Long Island medium, I really loved that show,soon after James joined me,"Hey love want ice cream",he said as he held a scoop of ice cream in front of me I just took the spoon from him and ate the ice cream, eventually I took the bowl away from him and ate it off and then we went to bed I rested my head on James's chest and fell asleep.

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