Chapter 19

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Today I was going to the gym,I took off my pajamas and took a bath in warm water,I got out and dried off,I quickly put on my sports bra and my tights and my sneakers.
I headed downstairs,James was making breakfast but I was in a hurry,
"Are you gonna eat some?",he asked,
"No",I replied as I pushed my phone and my earphones in my sweater and took a water bottle out of the fridge,
"I'll be back I'm going to the gym","Okay babe",he said making me blush he hardly calls me that.
I arrived at the gym in a few minutes thank god it was empty so I just set my gym bag on a bench and stood on the treadmill turning up the speed and began to jog the placed echoed with my sneakers stopping against the treadmill until I heard heels stomping behind me,
I turned around to see the devil Bianca she had on a red jumpsuit and a black heels what is with it with this girl and red her blonde her was in a perfect bun,

"Hey Melissa",I just looked on her and rolled my eyes and continued jogging,"I heard your pride and joy died",she said in a fake sad voice, I got off the treadmill and walked up to her,"You don't speak off that again", I snapped at her,"I can say whatever I want",she said as she stepped closer to me,"Back off",I scolded her she then came closer this time playing with my hair and smiling at me,
I took a look at her ring it was a gold one with big diamond,I shoved her then she pulled my hair making me fall on my face I pulled her hands of my hair I kicked her in her stomach and kneed her in her face,"Shit",she mumbled wiping the blood of her lips,"Bitch she said charging at me causing me to stumble backwards hitting my head in the bicycle,"HEY HEY!!!",a familiar voice shouted from behind us.
Bianca got up a huge smile on her face, it was Mark he came over to us and helped me up earning a glare from Bianca,"What happend",He asked now focusing on Bianca,"She came on to me",she said placing her hands on her hips, I wasn't in the mood for her crap,"Tell her to stay away from me!",I hissed as I grab my gym bag and stormed off but I felt someone grab me by my arm,"Im so sorry for Bianca's behavior she's like a child",Mark said in an apologetic tone,I just nodded and walked out.
As I got in my car and began to drive very fast before I knew it I was pulling into the driveway,I stormed inside and went upstairs not even checking for James,I went straight to the bathroom to check my self in the mirror my lip was bleeding and so was my nose.
"What happened to you",James asked holding up my chin so I could face him,"Bianca",I said as hot tears streamed down my face not tears of sadness but tears of anger,he then turned away and placed his hand on the back of his neck and started pacing back and forth,"That bitch",I heard him curse under his breath,he the turned back to face me,"What are we gonna do about this",
"Just tell her to stay away from me",I really didn't want to get the police involved because I have a lot of outstanding tickets I chuckled to my self at the thought,James came over to me and took out the first aid kit he cleaned my nose and my lip gently not saying a word,"Im done",he said as he helped me up off the toilet seat.
"Let's forget about this we are going on vacation", James said in my ear causing me to squeal,"When I can't wait",I said as I hopped out his hands to kiss him,"Two weeks time","Where are we going",I asked breaking the kiss,"Thailand",yes I always wanted to go there I pushed James on the bed and started to kiss him pulling his white tshirt of his head,"I love you"he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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