Chapter 11

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Right side for taehyung and left for yoongi


Don't tell me you already forget about what you said last night🙄

What are you talking about baby..!?😬

You said we you are going to spend you day with me

Oh are you serious I think I m drunk didn't I 🤔

So what if u are u said this ok I m not forcing u if you don't want to but u are not going with jimin and that is finally

Oh come on baby don't be that jealous it will be only a simple hangout 😉

And u think I am joking around

Ok don't be mad at me sweet heart 💓 as u say

So are u taking me on a date😳

No baby i m so sorry that's not possible i m kinda busy now days 🤕

Oh it's okay ☺️


Taehyung is kind of tired thinking about a sertain person his boyfriend one the thought that is in his mind " Is he really busy if yes then how in the hell it is possible to have time for jimin and of no than why he is not going with me " he take a deep breath and decide to put the thought aside and have a nap (but is he able to just forget about it ? ) As he is going to take a nap his phone again buzz


Baby guess what ?

What wrong baby ?

Nothing is wrong i m just coming to your appartment tonight 😏

But you said you are busy?

Looking like you don't want me there

Not in hell i m getting ready see you soon 🙈🙈


Hi guys
Sorry for grammar mistakes
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