Chapter 17

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Left side for taehyung and right for jungkook

Dm chapter

Hey jungkook

Hi tae ! What's up

I m fine what about you

I m good too

Can I ask you something if you don't mind?

Yey why should I mind

Who is your crush 😅

Ah! I mean if you want to tell than
you can tell i m not forcing

Sorry taehyung but i m not
Comfortable yet

Yey I can understand

Thanks for understanding ☺️

Not need to thank after all we
Are friends

Yey u r right FRIENDS

BTW what are your plan for tomorrow

Nothing Just gym maybe

Ok then let's hangout 😄

But tomarrow is vallentine

Ys but yoongi said he is gonna busy
Tomarrow 😞

Oh ohk then let hangout

Really! thank

Yey I will text u time and place

I m really excited to meet u

Me too


Jungkook is felling exited and nervousness at the same time let's see what this hangout bring for them


Hi guys
Sorry for grammar mistakes
Stay safe
Stay healthy

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