Chapter 13

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Jungkook's pov

After my daily workout i was ready to take a bath then suddenly my phone start ranging i take a look at caller id it was form suga I pick up the call "are u the relative of the person who has this number" the person from other line said "yes i am what's wrong" i replies "the person got in an accident i took a minute to good minute to process the words then he give me the hospital address

I rush towards the hospital at the reseption i ask the room no she told room no. And I took a relief sigh when i get to know that he only use to got some injury on his leg and now he is sleeping peacefully I complete the hospital hospital formality formality and went to his room

I was sitting on the couch suddenly his rang I look at the caller id I guess it was from taehyung so i decided to ignore it once twice thrise it was ranging continuesly so I finally decided to answer it as soon as I pick up

"where the fuck u are " he shouted form top of his lungs "what u think is thik a joke to promise and forgot about it and what u think what u r ? " he stop for a while then I answer " hello taehyung ?" He stop for a while "yes I m who are you and what are u doing with my boyfriend's mobile" my heart hart at the word boyfriend but I put it a side and ans " I m jungkook...." I wait for a whil but no response from other side so i decided to continue "sugu get in an accident...."

He take his time to responce "HOW ? WHEN ? WHERE? WHY THE FUCK U DIDN'T INFORM ME EARLIER? WHERE ARE U NOW ?" I give him the address and told him not to worry then I disconnected the call. My heart is racing after talking to him first time

And that's the time when suga walk up I ask him how this happen he told that he is going to taehyung's apartment and the suddenly someone hit his bike from behind we talk about random things then door open and taehyung walk in I decided to excuse myself

I went out of the hospital room and set on the sofa in waiting room after 20 minutes taehyung come out of the room and sat beside me I was in shock my heart is racing so fast like drum i fell like it can poop out anytime then he speaks " actually jungkook I want to........

Hi guys
Sorry for grammar mistakes
Stay safe
Stay healthy

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