Chapter 24

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I just turn my phone off and I m hella confused that how the fuck he get to know about my love toward taehyung. I wear my jacket to meet up with Jimin.

I m gonna ask about everything there are many thoughts running in my head. Most important I m gonna make sure that he keeps it a secret.

I drove my car to his apartment. he is already outside I guess waiting for me to arrive. I stop my car in front of him he hopped inside my car. So Jimin I wanna as--.

He cut me between and said.

"Oh come on jungkook let not talk here what about a cafe".

I just nodded my head in agreement and I drove to a nearby cafe.

The whole ride was the silent one speaking a word. we enter the cafe and made our way toward an empty table.

"I know what you wanna talk about" he said .

"Listen jungkook I know we can't control our emotion, it's not in our hands to decide whom we wanna fall for".

He said with a sad smile and I guess I know the reason behind this smile.

"Some say it's painful to wait for someone. Some say it's painful to forget someone. But the worst pain comes when we don't know whether to wait or forget" Jungkook chuckled sadly.

Jimin gives him an understanding look.

"jungkook listen I think we all know that I like Yoongi I get to know that you like taehyung" I nodded

He smirked "let's date" I choked the water on his face which is in my mouth.

He glace at me and I pass a shiply smile "I mean to say why don't we become fake boyfriends" I gave him a confused look.

"YOU ARE SO INNOCENT, FUCK" He said in disbelief. he look at me and said "U don't need to know anything just be my fake boyfriend and the will be yours"

I think for some time "no one will get hurt. Right?" he just nodded.

I am still confused and full of curiosity but I want to make sure that Tae or Yoongi is not gonna hurt after this act.

I give him an 'I will kill you if any shit happens' look and he just smiles at me.

"my darling, honey, bab--" I almost choked my drink he started to laugh hard.

"What the actual fuck bro,u just chocked in this little," he said trying hard to control his laughter.

"what if I call u daddy--" I fack cough and again he blurts in laughter

"Are u seriously Yoongi's best friend"

"Fuck off"

"Okay okay, now listen to me u are gonna do what I say"I just nodded my head

"We are not gonna tell anyone that we are dating" I glare at him.

"Yey yey bro don't kill me with that look of yours".

"Fake dating" I said in a low tone, and he smiles .

We discuss our whole fake dating drama and we left the cafe. I drop him at his apartment. after returning home.

I lay on my bed and start thinking about this whole act "Am I doing right?" I ask myself.

Thinking about all this bullshit "I hope everything will be fine, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me and especially Tae and Yoongi"

But little did he know he can't do anything because (I M AUTHOR DUDE hehe).

I was about to sleep but suddenly my phone pop up .

(DM from Ji_min)

I grab my phone and reply to him

hey, I want you to do something to execute our plan.


I am gonna post our cafe pic which I take.

so what u want from me in this

hey, you sound so rude toward your fake boyfriend that's not fair.

oh sorry, my dear fake boyfriend now may you tell me what you want me to do

you only have to do is a simple comment.

spell the tea you are really innocent you have to flirt with me

what the hell no way and why do you think I m gonna do this

just shut up and listen to me you have to flirt with me because we have to continue our plan I u remember so

you still didn't tell me about your plan

just do what I say for god say, bro

okay okay be ready my dear fake boyfriend I can be a prevent sometimes

we will see about that.


Enjoy..!! 💜💜

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