Chapter 31

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no one P.O.V

Everyone is sitting in the dining room now. it was a little awkward for jikook due to the post's comment. It was completely silent for some time so yoongi decided to break the silence. He clears his throat.

"So, what is a plan for today?" he asks while continuing to eat.

"what about we all see around it will be fun after that the view of the sunset from here is beautiful and bonfire at night," jimin said with a chuckle

"sound nice baby," jungkook said with a wink.

"ok so it's final," tae said with a big boxy smile displayed on his face. yoongi pinched his cheek

"yes baby everything that makes you happy," yoongi said while making tae sit on his lap. tae blushed at his boyfriend's action. he put his head on yoongi's chest.

"I am done" "I am done"

 both jimin and jungkook said at the same time while standing from the chair.

tae and yoongi look at them confused. "But you guys didn't eat anything," tae said.

"didn't you hear I said I am full it means I am full," jungkook said while going to his room, and at this point tae has a sad face and talking about yoongi he looking completely surprised. little did jimin know that jungkook fucked up so he tries to lite the mood

"oh tae don't take his words seriously I think he is not hungry and he is angry due to lack of sleep, let's meet outside the house after some time"

they nodded and jimin made his way to jungkook.

"Jungkook what was that are u out of your mind," jimin said while glancing at jungkook who is sitting on the sofa and scrolling through his phone. He totally ignores jimin and continues scrolling his phone

"you asshole are you even listening to what I am saying?" jimin said this time with a little anger in his voice. jungkook stood from his seat and made his way toward jimin

he "you" point his finger to jimin "don't have to tell me what I have to do, I know what I am doing and what I am gonna do," jungkook said with an annoying voice.

"you fucking don't know," jimin said more likely yelling

"so?" jungkook said with one raised bow "you are no one to tell me what to do," jungkook said while searching for his earphone

"you know what I am just trying to help you, but now just fuck off," Jimin said while exiting the room he slams the door loudly. Jungkook signed and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Jimin is right I don't have to behave like that, I can't show my jealousy like this"

he thought and take a quick shower. he made his way to the small garden outside the house there he saw jimin, tae, and yoongi are already there he give them a smile but no one returns it. of course, jimin and tae are angry at him and yoongi never returns it. he smiles at himself

"Hey baby," he said while wrapping his arm around Jimin's wrist he did not reply. he signed 

"baby~~ look I am sorry I really didn't mean it, please forgive your bunny," he said with puppy eyes. jimin signed

"ok but don't repeat it," jimin said with a smile. "Thanks, baby," he said showing his bunny teeth

"tae~~" now he decide to apologize to tae "what?" tae said with a cold tone.

"ouch!" he said while putting his hands on his chest." oh is my FRIEND angry at me?" he said with a pout

"Why do you even care?" tae said while making an angry face. jungkook somehow controls himself from cooing at the site. tae is looking extremely adorable.

"tae I am really sorry," he said while looking down.

"oh come on baby forgive him or we will gonna late, do you want to be late" yoongi said while pulling tae closer

"ok kookie you are forgiven" jungkook just hummed while eying the hand which is on Tae's wrist. Jimin understand the situation

"ok guys let's go," jimin said dragging jungkook away

"kook control yourself, look at you it looks like you are gonna murder someone" jimin whispered jungkook took some deep breaths to calm himself and look like fate is not at his side as soon he turned around he saw yoongi kissing tae.

"oh, kook list--" jungkook cut jimin between and walk to tae and drag him toward the forest.

"what the fuck jungkook?" tae shouts at him. on the other side yoongi is standing there looking at the taekook figure going away.

"oh hi"

jimin said with a little voice cause he don't know what to say after it. he is cursing jungkook continuously inside.

"what the fuck was that?" yoongi said looking at jimin with confused yet burning eyes. jimin gulped his saliva not knowing what to say.

"Actually th-that was i-i me-mean jun-jungkook umm yes jungkook want to give a surprise to tae yey surprise," jimin said with a nervous smile. 

"surprise?" jimin nodded. yoongi shook his head "jimin you know you can't lie to me." he said with a low yet serious voice.

"But I am not lying"

"Oh really," yoongi said while taking small steps toward jimin. jimin step back "ye-yes". yoongi continues to step forward. until jimin hit the nearby wall "wh-what are you doing yoongi?" jimin said avoiding eye contact with yoongi.

 "look at me" jimin slowly lift his head "so you are saying the truth, huh?"

"y-yes," jimin said with a hint of fear in his voice.

 "boy try to improve your skills you are not good at it," yoongi said while talking a step backward and went inside the house. Jimin took a deep breath and start to think about how to cover this mess-up situation he decided to text jungkook.

on the other hand, jungkook keeps dragging tae who is struggling to free himself from jungkook's grip but jungkook is way too strong to let him go. suddenly jungkook's phone vibrates he take it out.






At this is the movement he comes back to his scene. he loses his grip on Tae's hand. he is still progressing the situation. a deep voice from his back interrupts his thoughts.

"mind explaining your behavior...?" 

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