Chapter 12

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No one's pov

Taehyung is very excited today actually why not after all his boyfriend is coming to pay a visit to his apartment today he is cleaning his room for third time.

It's 6:25 in the evening as according to their plan yoongi is coming at 9:00 (AN sorry I forgot to mention it in last chapter) he got ready and set on the couch in living room getting a perfect view of front door as time pass he start feeling hungry so he decided to grab something to eat he finished eating he is still existed for his boyfriend arrival

Time is going so slow in taehyung's opinion it is only 7:00 and he is already feeling sleepy but he is not going to sleep he thinks so but he doesn't even know when he fall in sleep sitting on the couch

He walks up he rub his eyes still half asleep he quickly have a look at the time as soon as he realised that he is sleeping on the couch in waiting of his boyfriend as he see the time he realised that it is pretty late it was around 10:00 he thinks why he is not here yet so he decided to call he did not pick up at first he again try to connect and he did not pick up again and again and this time finally he answered his call he was worried as hell he don't even wait for yoongi (?) To say something he start shouting on him

"where the fuck u are " he shouted form top of his lungs "what u think is thik a joke to promise and forgot about it and what u think what u r ? " He stop for some time to let him answer the questions but he then realised that the person from other side is not yoongi

" Hello.... Taehyung ? " (His voice is so beautiful taehyung thought so )The person from other side ask "yes I m who are you and what are u doing with my boyfriend's mobile" he ask impatiently " I m jungkook......sugu get in an accident...."

Hi guys
Sorry for grammar mistakes
Stay safe
Stay healthy

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