chapter 21

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It is 8:30 and jungkook said he is gonna pick me at 9:00. I m all ready for a night out with him after all we both are the same we both have a crush on someone but we can't get them. Anyway, I live alone in my apartment my parents live out of the country. I hear the horn and as I guess it is jungkook blowing the horn continuously. I get in the car.

"Hey, dude what's up?" I ask in a cheerful voice but he is lost in his own world. I just blow the horn and he flinched at the sudden voice. "WHAT THE FU--oh Jimin hey what's up?". I stared at him for some sec before giving the answer "All fine but you seem lost what's the wrong dude" "let's go" He said totally avoiding the question.


We finally arrive at the club. No, it's not a long ride but I m feeling uncomfortable because whenever I tried to talk he just hummed or ignore the question."FINALLY" I said more likely yell. He again just hummed and we enter music is super loud my girls and boys are dancing many of them are drunk some are sobber. But I don't care.

We make our way toward the alcohol area. We take our seats "What would you like to have sir?" The bartender asks "A glass of vodka". He just nodded and turn toward Jungkook "And wha--" he cut him between "The strongest one and...don't add water" he said in a deep voice bartender again nodded. I look at him "What's on my face?" he asks in a deep voice I am about to shake my head but a beautiful girl interrupts my action. She come and sit on his lap "No darling there is nothing else than hotness" she said seductive tone.

His eyes shift toward the girl and he gently pushes her off his lap and said "thanks miss" "Your drink sir" the bartender said and I grab my drink he was about to go but I stop him and said, "uh-excuse me Mr." "Yes sir anything else?" he asks "Do you have popcorn here?" "Sorry sir but we don't have it," he said confused. I just nodded and shifted my glace toward Jungkook and the girl "thanks is not enough handsome, what about-let's have some fun" she said trying to approach him. I just mentally smirk and think

he slap her hard on her face and now she is on the ground with his(jungkook) drink on her clothes. "FUN MY FOOT GET FUCKING LOST BEFORE I LOST MY TEMPER" I look at him and signed "his temper is still left, wow" I mumbled under my breath. She ran away and Junngkook order another drink. "At least she was beauti--" he glare at me enough to shut my mouth.

after some hours of drinking not me but jungkook, he is completed wasted. I signed and start thinking about plans for how to take this muscle pig to the car. I somehow manage to do it. I entered the driving seat I m just ready to start the car but I stopped when I hear his mumbling. "why the fuck he can't love me back" my eyes widened after knowing that his crush is 'he'.

"I KNOW THIS IS FUVKING WRONG TO LOVE YOU BUT I--I can't he-help m-my f-fee-feeling" he broke at last and one by one tear start flowing from his eyes. "pl-please I-I can't ta-take it an-anymore" "why can't you lo-love me". I felt bad for him but I just froze at my place bu what I hear next "why can't y-you love m-me-taehyung, w-w-why?". I am not sure I hear it right. I just decided to talk to him when he gets sober. I drive him my home because fuck I don't know his address


I walk up early today I mean I am not able to sleep Jungkook's words are repeating in my mind. I complete my morning routine. And decided to cook after completing cooking I went to the guest room and knock but I do not get any response so I go inside and as I think he is still sleeping I walk him up, of course, its 10:00 in the morning "Jungkook" I said but don't even move "jungkook walk-up" I don't get any response again "JUNGKOOK GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP" He walks up at sudden loud voice "where is an earthquake" he said with half-closed eyes in the fighting position.

"Aww you are such a baby" "fuck off," he said getting off the bed "where I m, don't tell me you kidnap me," he asked with a confused face. I nodded my head in agreement "Ok then make me breakfast finally thank god I don't have to make breakfast by myself." "okay okay food is ready to come downstairs," I said and go to the dining room. After 20 min come and we complete our food in silence "thanks for bringing--" I cut him between "Do you li-love taehyung?" and he froze on his spot sweat formed on his forehead.

And I get my answer "Listen here Jun--" he cut me between "W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING, HEEL NO" He said and run out of the house

Finally JIKOOK moment. But it's too much 😁 what do you think guys should I add 1 more couple JIKOOK 🤔🤔.

Okei love you 💜💜
Stay safe

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