Chapter 42

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Author's POV

it was a very light atmosphere in the house there were snacks on the table some are open and some are still packed. different kinds of drinks are also laying on the floor

everyone is sitting there giggling and talking, laughing together but still there is someone who is not looking very pleased that someone is none other than taehyung who is eyeing jungkook time to time avoiding other's gaze there was a smile on his face too

but still, he is guilty of what he did and he should be he is regreeting slapping jungkook who is ignoring him from that day making him think that his words were too harsh on that day but very little there was also the emotion of anger

yes, Kim taehyung was angry cause jungkook is still avoiding him even after he apologized to him several times. but little did it confuse him too why?? why the hell is this depressed for his forgiveness maybe cause the whole fault was his or maybe something else. that he doesn't know

"and like this, we ended up in the police station" bambam explained, and once again everyone burst into laughter.

"yey you are too much sometimes," Jennie said giggling cutely.

"ok, so seriously you are flirting with his mother??? like seriously if you say girlfriend or wife we'll understand but mother " jimin ask looking at them with a disappointed look on his face.

"don't say that she was looking the way too young to be called a mother," J-hope said defending them.

"will someone bet with me," Lisa asked?

"about?" they asked

"they all are gonna be single until their parents fix their wedding," Lisa said confidently.

"girl you have a point there," yoongi said laying on the couch. and they start laughing

"fuck off all of you " j-hope, bambam, g-dragon, and Jackson yelled together.

again they all got busy talking Jungkook stand up from his place and made his way toward the main door.

"Hey boy, where are you going?" Jisoo asked

"to get some fresh air" jungkook answered simply keep walking and went out of the door.after some time taehyung also made his way outside secretly.

he saw jungkook standing there hands on railing eyes staring at the beauty of the night sky looking at the moon with no emotion in his eyes it somehow makes taehyung feel uneasy. he keeps staring at jungkook's back before going to stand beside him

jungkook turned his face after he felt a presence beside him and saw taehyung standing there also looking at the moon jungkook signed and start walking toward the door to went inside again.

It is not like he hates taehyung or something he still loves him from bottom of his heart he is just afraid yes he is afraid to get lost in his eyes again he is afraid to smile when he saw taehyung smiling he is afraid to lose his control when taehyung is near him he is afraid to do anything he might regret in future.

Why? because taehyung don't belong to him he is not his to make him happy to wipe his tears to lost in his eyes to touch him to hold his hand to love him to comfort him the way he wants he really don't want to show that how weak he becomes for the boy.

"kook?" taehyung said in a pleased tone making jungkook stop in his place and turn his head to taehyung who is already looking at him with a sad smile on his face.

"I think I am really that bad, yes I know the thing I did was wrong but please talk to me you can also slap me if you want but please don't ignore or avoid me scold me beat me but please talk to me," taehyung said with begging tone tears filled his eyes he really don't know why he is behaving like this but he doesn't want to think about it right now.

he just wants jungkook to forgive him and without knowing he becomes very depressed about it.

 on the other hand, jungkook is no better. seeing taehyung in tears make him feel sick and after knowing he is the reason behind it he is nowhere to be happy his heart shattered into millions of pieces he wants to run to the boy and embrace him wipe his tears and never let him cry or be sad

but do he have any right? he instantly looks away not wanting to look at the boy in his tear-filled eyes. when jungkook looked away taehyung really get angry. anyone would


"because I don't want to" jungkook said in a calm tone without making any eye contact with taehyung. at this point, taehyung got really anger

"AND WHY THE HELL YOU DON'T WANT TO" Taehyung yelled again not even trying to calm himself

"because I - DON'T - WANT - to," Jungkook said in an emotionless less voice he is also getting angry he is tired of pretending now.

"JUST GIVE MA A DAME REASON JEON JUNGKOOK" jungkook also loses his scene.

"FUCK TAE I DON'T WANT TO BECAUSE I AM AFRAID IN LOSING IN THE DEPTH OF YOUR EYES WHICH ALWAYS TOLD ME TO FORGOT MYSELF" Jungkook yelled now he doesn't have any regret of doing this he just let it out making himself feel light.

"W-what?" taehyung asked in a very small voice

"THE HELL KIM TAEHYUNG YES FUCK IT I CAN'T PRETEND ANYMORE I AM IN FUCKING LOVE WITH YOU CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" Jungkook yelled grabbing taehyungs shoulder with both of his hands.

"k-kook what are you s-saying?" taehyung got caught off guard he didn't expect it at all.

"YES TAE I LOVE YOU I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I WANT YOU TO BE MINE FOR FOREVER" Jungkook yelled tightening his grip on his shoulder


this is what comes from taehyung he doesn't know why he did it but he did he slap him again.

"ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE SAYING?" taehyung asked jungkook kept staring at tae he really didn't expect anything else but still it hurt like hell.

they turned their heads after hearing the voice of loud gasps and there come all of the other people of their friend group looking at them.

"sorry" that's all jungkook said to taehyung before running out of the house without even looking back.

"what are you all doing here?"taehyung asked them

"We heard your yelling sound so..." Rosie said taehyung just hummed in response.

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