Chapter 14

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No one's pov

"Actually jungkook I want to apologize" taehyung said whil looking down jungkook was confused for few seconds then he realised why taehyung is apologize "go ahead" he says "I am sorry jungkook for shouting on u I really didn't mean it actually I was worried sick for yoongi please forgive me" he said while looking at his lap

"It's ok I really didn't mind it " "it means u r not mad at me " taehyung ask surprised "no" jungkook ans in short "will u mind to be my friend" taehyung ask from not know where jungkook for surprise for same time then he thought there is nothing wrong to be friends right? He nodded slowly.

Then they both make there way to suga's ward yoongi was surprised for first because he never saw his best friend and boyfriend together but he decided to let it go they both sit aside yoongi's bed and start chatting about random things.

"Why were you always avoid me before " taehyung suddenly ask to jungkook looking straight in his eyes jungkook's eyes widened at sudden encounter he panicked a bit but try to be patient "nothing like that" he try to avoid the question "but.." taehyung was going to say something but yoongi intrupt "baby did you informed others about the accident they must be mad if they get to know about this themselves " jungkook took a relief sign "oh yeah give me a minute" taehyung said and went out

"So what up buddy " suga ask " nothing special just the boring College u know" jungkook said with a boring boring look on his face laying his head backward "come on I m not asking about you what's with your crush bro " never in his life but at the question that suga ask he life he shoot his head that fast "hey came down I don't thik u want your neck to be broken" suga said

"There is nothing with this question" jungkook said rolling his eyes at the question "Oh come on man I m ur best friend I have every right to know" suga said getting annoying by his best friend childish behaviour "oh really fuck ur rights I m getting bore " jungkook said dramatically

Taehyung enter the room while holding drinks for both male jungkook look at the drinks his eyes lit up when he saw banana milk in taehyung's hand. taehyung is going to say something but jungkook intrupt him "oh thank for Banana milk taehyung" he garb the pack of milk from taehyung's hand while smiling like a child.

'cute' taehyung thought but soon snap out of from his thoughts because of yoongi's word "baby what are you thinking about " suga ask "nothing important " taehyung said while giving suga his drink and sat beside jungkook who is busy drinking his banana milk.

"Baby don't you thik jungkook is looking like a bunny" taehyung said suddenly jungkook start coughing at sudden complement taehyung start rubbing his back while giving him a glass of water jungkook taken back by sudden touch he took the glass of water and drink whole in once.

"Sorry" taehyung said "no it's all right" jungkook said they once again settled down to see that suga is sleeping peacefully.


Hi guys
Sorry for grammar mistakes
Stay healthy
Stay safe

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