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She completed her classes for the day. Her eyes did lose the shine they always carried with the things which took place a few days ago.

She denied picking up his call though she was scared of his reaction, she considered it the best for the moment. She reached home only to find a few of her relatives at home.

"Why are you getting her married this early?", The woman asked her mother.

"You need to remember Mrs. Mehra, there is no reason to deny Khuranas. They are no less than royals here. They won't get such a big chance again", another woman said and all Tara felt at that moment was disgusted with herself.

She felt like a gold digger for agreeing to get married to him so easily. 

Khuranas must be thinking the same about her as she agreed to this arrangement this early. She walked out of her house massaging her forehead.

She called Kinshuk immediately.

"Speak", she heard from the other side.

"Kinshuk, I need to meet your brother urgently. Can you please tell me where I can find him?", she said in a small voice. Kinshuk knowing her for so long realized something was off.

"I'll come to pick you up in five minutes", he told her hanging up as she sat on the bench outside her sweet home. She wanted to speak to him directly. She didn't want to feel dirty about herself her whole life.

Five minutes later, Kinshuk reached her. She thanked him for taking out time for her.

"Are you mad, Tara? You don't need to thank me. Just because you are getting married to Bhai, it doesn't mean our bonding will change", he told her on the way to Khurana companies, the head office of this MNC.

"Come with me", he said taking her to the top floor. He didn't ask her what was wrong because he knew it was something sensitive. Arjun's secretary stood up to greet Kinshuk but he just showed her his hand to keep sitting. 

He knocked on the dark door as Tara now felt nervous. She started playing with her fingers.

"You stay here. I'll come in a minute", He told her before entering inside.

"Bhaiya", he called Arjun who was busy signing a few papers.

"Not now Kinshuk. I am busy right now", Arjun told him without looking up.

"Not me Bhaiya somebody else wants to meet you", he told her making him frown as he looked up keeping his pen on the table. Kinshuk pushed the door open. 

Arjun leaned back to see who it was to find his to-be-wife there looking downwards playing with her fingers.

Arjun motioned Kinshuk to leave as Kinshuk pulled Tara inside before leaving himself closing the door behind. Arjun looked at her for a moment taking in her innocent appearance.

He was dying to hear her voice for so long.

Knowing that she wasn't going to speak, he continued doing his work.

"If you are going to stand there silently, stand in a corner. Don't be a distraction", he came out to be extremely rude as she pushed her hair strands back.

"Ji?", she tried to understand what he meant.

"You here are acting as a distraction to me, Tara", he pointed out as she bit her lips.

"What brings you here?", he asked her at last as she played with her fingers.

"I wanted... wanted to meet you in...per...person and say no to this marriage", she told him as his pen stopped. He looked up to find her shivering with fear.

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