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Tara's eyes opened slowly before she closed them again. It was so cold outside she noticed before snuggling more in the warmth of the blanket. She turned in her sleep lying on her stomach this time. She sighed feeling tiredness in her body. She wanted more sleep but this backache was not letting her sleep properly.

She sighed wiping her face before lying straight leaning on the bed rest she opened her eyes covering herself with the blanket properly. She looked around in confusion.

The white-colored walls of the room stared back at her. Now that she realize this room had so much white component in it.

Her hands went to her phone unknowingly before checking her mails, messages which were filled with her friends and families messages. 

There were few calls from her brother at 5 in the morning. He is weird sometimes. She thought to call him later after checking the time. It was still 6.

She looked around to find any glance of her new husband who wasn't anywhere in the room.

She closed her eyes again breathing softly. She wanted to do yoga so badly but again what if somebody came inside in between, it would be so embarrassing.

She never liked her chubby self. Moreover, her mother always wanted her to do exercise daily to lose her extra fat from her teenage only. It took time for her to develop this habit but somehow she made exercising her habit.

After a few minutes, she heard the door open as her eyes immediately opened to look at the intruder to cover her eyes quickly.

Her husband was wiping her sweat on his bare chest with a white towel. Her eyes didn't fail to look at his eight packs. She thoughts abs are just a myth.

But over everything, he was naked. Half-naked to be precise.

Arjun's eyes fell on his wife who was covering her eyes with her hand making him smile. He couldn't continue with his workout because he was only thinking about her. Then a thought hit him, what if her blanket fall down the bed, she would catch a cold so he just ended the workout and came to see her only to find her fully awake blushing because of him.

"Tara, you are awake early", he spoke entering inside after closing the door before removing the veil between them formed by the canopy bed's net walls tying it properly on top of it. 

Tara blinked a few times before rubbing her eyes as a yawn escaped her lips. She covered her mouth as another yawn followed it.

"You are still sleepy aren't you?", he asked as she nodded her head sleepily.

"Why don't you sleep for some more time? Everybody is tired from the marriage preparation. They would sleep till 9 or 10 am", he spoke sitting beside her.

"Do you think it would be right if I sleep again?", she asked in her morning voice which was unusually small.

"I will wake you up on time just tell me how much time will it take for you to get ready", he told her.

"I need to wear a saree. It will take a minimum half-hour", she said lying back on the bed.

"Fine. I'll wake you one hour before", Arjun said as she yawned again. She covered her with the blanket till her head.

She removed the blanket after a few seconds with a frown making him stare at her with admiration.

"What happened?", he asked her.

"You are also tired, right? Then you should also sleep", she spoke in a louder voice than usual.

"I have works to do", Arjun spoke trying to know why she is being caring towards him.

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