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She was reading her books with her utmost attention when her phone started ringing. She sighed knowing how people always call her when she is studying.

She walked to her bed before looking at the caller id. An unknown number. She breathed deeply before picking up the call.

"Hello", she answered waiting patiently for the other person to speak.

"Hello", she spoke again but all she came across was silence.

She was about to hang up when she finally heard the voice she was having nightmares of.

"How is my baby girl doing?", she heard making her gulp.

"Studying?", she whispered more like asked as he took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?", she asked being curious about the deep breaths he was taking.

"Will it affect you if I am not", he stated making her frown as she sat on her bed.

"Aap mujhe dara rahe hai ab"

"Now you are scaring me", she told him.

"I got shot", he stated and she almost forgot to breathe as her heart started beating rapidly.

"Aap kaha hai"

"Where are you?", she asked in a shivery voice.

"Why would it affect you?", he asked in a mocking way.

"Please. Where are you?", she pleaded as she felt weird in her heart. She kept her hand on her chest feeling the restlessness as tears escaped her eyes.

"Khurana Mansion", he stated as she sniffed taking her purse from the table.

She stared at her phone which was switched off. She forgot to charge it.

She walked downstairs calling her brother.

"What is wrong, Tara?", her brother asked who was sitting on the sofa sipping on his tea.

"Bhai", she sobbed as her brother reached to hug her.

"Bhai, please drop me at Khurana Mansion", She pleaded as her brother frowned.

"What's wrong?", he tried to ask.

"Please Bhai doesn't ask anything", she cried as he stared at his wife who got his keys for him. He nodded before holding his sister's hand taking her outside.

He made her sit in the front seat before taking the driver's seat himself. She continued crying the whole way as her brother continued looking at her in between. They soon reached the Khurana Mansion.

Shraddha was crying herself seeing her son in so much pain. 

Tara walked inside quickly with tears falling down her cheek.

"Where is he, Kenit?", she walked to Kenit who stared at his mother.

"Kinshuk, where is he?", she asked when Kenit didn't say anything.

"He is fine, Tara. Please calm down", Kinshuk spoke as Tara shook her head.

"Let her go and see him once", Aadhish told Kinshuk as he nodded taking Tara towards Arjun's room.

"Go", he said opening the door. She walked inside with shivery legs. He was lying there with a thick bandage on his lower stomach. 

His eyes immediately met hers as she cried standing in the corner.

"Come here", he asked offering his hand to her. She stared at his hands for a second before looking at him. Before she could think twice she ran towards him throwing her arms around him crying on his shoulder. 

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