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So firstly I am so sorry for this late update. It wasn't like I did it intentionally. It's just my laptop stopped working and it took so long for it to get repaired. I am writing this update as soon as I got my laptop repaired. But still sorry for making you all wait.


She sat in his arms looking at the television hanging on the wall she was looking at waiting for him to say anything but he spoke nothing just kept standing their hiding his face in her neck.

"Ji, you okay right?", she asked rubbing his back not wanting him to feel weak at all. She agrees that he had been hiding many things from her hurting her but it was all unintentional and she couldn't deny the fact that she started loving this man so badly that now she can't imagine her life without him.

"Tara", he called making her hum massaging his scalp softly.

"I want to let out everything today", he spoke pulling away making her stare at his gloomy face making her innocent heart break into pieces. She caressed his jaw making him stare at her. His eyes didn't look devilish like every time, they just looked sad which didn't suit him at all. She hated seeing him like this. She was feeling like she herself can't breath at this point.

"You don't have to", she spoke looking at his face but he just shook his head knowing that he was fooling her if he is not sharing his past with her, the reason why he is like this today. It would be like betraying her and would create more problems in his future life, the life he wanted to start with her.

"I was not like this from starting. I swear. I was carefree as fell. I loved to live my life", he spoke holding her hands in his fearing that she would withdraw from his touch once she knows the truth. The ugly truth of his life and identity.

"Please calm down", Tara softly asked him feeling his body shivering. 

"Take a deep breath. I am here only", she told him but he didn't look in her eyes. He just couldn't do so. He didn't had that much courage. He just took a deep breath before continuing.

"Mrs. Khurana wasn't always like she became afterwards. She was the best mother anyone could have in her life. She was loving, caring, strict yet the best", he spoke as his voice shook slightly.

"Than Roshni Ma came into the family, things were perfect. Aadya Bua also got married soon after it and things started changing. Mrs. Khurana's family was interfering too much in our family matters. They would come almost everyday and tell Badi Ma(Aaradhana Khurana, his grandmother) that she is not treating their daughter the way they treat Roshni Ma but Mrs. Khurana never said anything. She was still wearing the mask of good daughter-in-law of Khurana family when we got to know that Roshni Ma was pregnant", he spoke before taking a deep breath making Tara rub her thumb on the back of his palm. He nodded his head as if telling himself to go on.

"I was 5 something that time and the equations at Khurana Mansion started. One day, I was playing with Bade Papa(Rehan Khurana, his grandfather) in the living room when Mrs. Khurana's mother came to the mansion. She was screaming at Badi Ma calling her unfair", he told remembering that day.


"I can't believe Aaradhana that you could be this unfair", Mrs. Maheshwari said more like taunted Aaradhana who couldn't understand her words or why was she speaking like this with her.(Honestly I don't remember her name or if I gave her a name or not)

"I don't remember I did something unfair", she asked confused looking at her husband who was looking at the other woman with narrowed eyes not liking the way how she was speaking with his wife.

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