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I don't think what the world thinks about me, It's you whose view matters to me.

- Tara

Your childish love is what forces me to come back home everyday before time.



"She talks a lot, sir", the teacher spoke looking at Tara who was looking down like she was innocent all the while.

"Is that all", Arjun asked looking at Tara while the teacher shook her head.

"It is not. The girls in her group are all so mischievous and so is she. I have heard them talking about double meaning things and it's highly disrespectful. She is always in her own world. Whenever I ask her any question, she always have an answer", her teacher spoke narrowing her eyes at Tara.

"The thing is you don't like her", Yuvika, Tara's new best friend spoke in between making the teacher stare at her with narrowed eyes.

"And why would I not like her, Ms. Yuvika", Teacher asked not liking the way this young girl was speaking to her.

"Because even when she is wishing you, you feel like she is mocking you. You should probably really work on reading faces", Yuvika said making Tara close her eyes not wanting more drama.

"Sir, see how she is speaking to me. These 3 girls are really a different picture in the class. Always talking. I don't know what is there so much important to discuss. See it is a professional course, I would like you to talk to them because all three of them are really good in studies and this way they are just ruining their image in front of the professor. I can understand these 2 were always like this but I don't want Tara to be with them", Teacher spoke as Yuvika and Raina glared at the teacher holding Tara's wrist from both side which made the teacher roll her eyes before taking her leave.

"Papa, I told you this woman is always behind us. Did you see how she spoke? She always mocks us that we are always together", Raina told her father.

"And when did we made double meaning comment in front of her. She is lying so bluntly", Yuvika mumbled making Tara sigh. Why does this happen with her only?

"Are you sad?", Yuvika asked Tara who just shrugged her shoulder.

"I don't care", Tara spoke at once pushing her hair back.

"How are you three?", Another professor asked them as they smiled forcefully at him.

"Don't worry about Mrs. Kashyap, You know how she is", he taught them maths and knew how happy going three of them were and it always added fun in the class. He didn't want them to loose their moral.

"She is having problem with Tara", Yuvika spoke shaking her head.

"Not everyone can handle her attitude", he spoke shaking his head moving away making three of them gasp.

"When did I show attitude?", Tara asked staring at his back in shock.

"They are just jealous of us, Tara don't worry", Raina spoke shaking her head.

"Exactly, they just don't us to have this strong friendship", Yuvika spoke looking at her father who shook his head.

"You have really created a drama here. Why everybody is having problem with three of you only", Raina's father asked and at this moment, Tara remembered Arjun never said anything. She turned to find him looking at her only but what he was thinking was beyond her mind. She moved to him wanting to know what he was thinking.

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