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She placed her both hands on his shoulder pulling away making him growl, her right palm moved to cup his face making him look at her. He looked breathless with his face turning red with impatience and need.

"You are emotionally weak right now, Ji. I think we should sleep right now", she told him whose gaze was making her weak at this moment. The way he looked at her made her feel so special all the time. The time she spent with him always made her feel confident about her appearance otherwise why would this handsome guy fall in love with a simple girl like her.

She wasn't even having a flat belly, she simply was her chubby self while this guy was a gym freak. 

"You think I am in a situation to sleep right now without having your assistance", he growled in his deep voice pulling her towards him like she was a doll making her wrap her arms around his neck. He pulled all her hair on her left shoulder looking deeply in her eyes.

"I never knew you liked henna", he spoke tracing her henna clad hands colored in the darkest maroon color. 

"I just made the designs because I was getting bored", she whispered seeing the darkness of his eyes. She knew they were deep but never knew they were having this much sadness behind his ruthless look.

He gently kissed her knuckles making her close her eyes. It wasn't like they have never been intimate with each other but this time it was like all the curtains between them were removed maybe it was his past which was still holding him back.

"I Love You, Ji. And this love will eat me away if you ever leave me", she whispered making him look at her not able to look in his eyes filled with so many emotions she threw her hands around his neck hugging him tightly taking him for surprise. A small smile made it's way on his face. 

This was what he always wanted in his life. Somebody to love him without any condition just for who he was. She knew he was a crazy man but the way this little girl in his arms confessed her feelings to him straight away made his heart skin a beat.

He himself don't know how he should feel at the moment. At one point, he wants to pick her up in excitement but on the other point, he want to hide her from the whole world considering this soft hearted, beautiful and understanding woman belongs only to him and he can't take the chance to lose her not anymore not like he would've taken a chance before but now she became more precious to him.

This was the same woman who taught his lifeless to breath again, to actually love somebody other than just pumping blood. He finally got a reason to live his life again.

He pulled away from the hug making her look at him.

"Say that again", he asked softly making her look down smiling shyly.

"I Love You", She whispered with red cheeks, her lips stretched which made her cheek look more chubby like of a new baby, he couldn't help but bite the soft flesh making her gasp feeling her teeth teasing her cheek.

"You really resemble a chilly right now", he told her making her pull away glaring at him.

"Chilly?", she asked not liking the word at all. Is this how he acts romantic? Chilly is romantic in his language.

"Of course, you look cute like a baby but at the same time, I find you hot with your childish activities. Who teach you these things?", he spoke lightly flicking her nose with his index finger making her scrunch her nose.

"I really wonder how our kids would be. I can't handle more kids with this attitude", he spoke playfully making her pout as she traced pattern on his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something?", she spoke in a small voice with her cheeks still on fire and her eyes on her fingers which were still busy making patterns but this time on his chest. He hummed looking at her face trying to understand what she was going to say.

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