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This action of her was unexpected to both of them. It wasn't like they haven't kissed before. They had but it was always him who took the first step. 

He took a step back taking her by surprise as she lost her balance taking a few steps back herself.

"Not again, Tara. I am done. Done for good. I can't do this anymore. I can't act like this. Your distaste towards me is very much clear to me. You don't have to give me hope only to crush it again yourself", he warned her his dangerous aura still present around him. It was like devils were clawing him to be in control but he was handling everything with much difficulty.

His face looked murderous as his nostrils flared accompanied by his red eyes and pinkish face. He was dangerous but right now he was looking more than that. In normal circumstances, this would've made Tara hide in the corner wanting to be away from him but not this time. 

"Ji", she started only to be stopped by him showing his finger to her.

"Stop there, I don't want to listen to anything. You were sad that I spanked you, but I don't regret it even a little bit. If you are going to act like a baby of 5 every time then be ready to be treated that way as well. I know handling everything is difficult for you seeing how young you are but are you even trying to accept everything. No. You are just busy running away from me", he told her more like his words slapped her right on her face.

But doesn't it take time to get acquainted with new surroundings? Did he ever ask her how she was feeling? How hard it was for her to handle him? But every time it was just about her accepting him. It isn't really as simple as he considered it to be.

It was like a forced marriage to her and she is not really a person who falls for another person's looks. She needs a strong personality along with respect from the person to actually love him.

But all he accepts every time is for her to love him. Why can't he ever try to understand her point? She had never been in love so how could she know how it feels? It's not some movie or Romeo-Juliet play that Juliet understands what love is in a few moments only. It is real life. It takes time to actually love somebody at least for her it takes a lot of time.

"What should I do Tara to finally make you love me? Or will you ever love me?", he asked her staring at her with his bloodshot eyes.

She looked down at his questioning feeling embarrassed suddenly. He stared at her before scoffing.

"It is very difficult to love me. Isn't it?", he whispered all to himself before picking up his shirt and moving to exit the room.

"Where are you going?", she asked in a soft voice.

"Somewhere the devil inside me would be away from you", he answered opening the door only to stop when he felt her soft palm holding his wrist.

"Ji please", she spoke in a smaller voice this time looking at him with hope. She wasn't going to cry this time knowing how worse could the situation than be. She wanted to be strong for the time being.

"Don't", he warned her again not turning this time.

She chose to come in front of him cupping his face and looking into his eyes. Maybe this way it. She couldn't run away from her feelings anymore. No matter how many problems she had with his way of life but somewhere she wanted to be a part of his abnormal life. She knew this was probably the stupidest decision she is taking after saying yes to marrying him. But one thing she was sure of was that nobody could love her like this man.

"I...", she stopped taking a deep breath making him stare at her with a frown being impatient with what she was saying and wanting to get out of this room as soon as possible.

Angel In Devil's hell √Where stories live. Discover now