Bonus Chapter

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My every morning is beautiful with you beside me


The morning was beautiful and especially cold as it was raining heavily. The environment was freezing outside but it was warm inside as the couple cuddled together sleeping peacefully. Tara moved in her sleep slowly opening her eyes when her phone started ringing.

She yawned picking up her call covering herself with the blanket till her bosoms were fully covered.

"Hello", she spoke sleepily her brain still not functioning well.

"Happy Birthday, princess", she heard her father speaking making her awake immediately.

"Thank you, Papa", she answered happily smiling brightly. After that everybody from her family wished her making her day already. She gasped when she felt Arjun sucking on her bosoms while she was still speaking to her family. She glared at him for doing that.

"Bhabhi, I'll speak to you later", Tara spoke hanging up now trying to move away from Arjun.

"Ji, you didn't even wish me till now, it's my birthday what are you doing?", she spoke in between her moans.

"I did before anyone else and this is how you celebrated my birthday. Didn't you?", he asked tickling her making her laugh loudly.

"But I didn't ask for this. You are taking advantage now", she spoke pouting as he looked up at her letting go of her sensitive skin. 

"Say that again", Arjun spoke making her press her lips together knowing him being in the mood all the time. But right now, he was inescapable.

"If I am accused to be faulty of something, why don't just do that completely", he spoke evilly making her shout as he tickled her. He would always do this only. She wondered.


Tara was glowing with happiness as Arjun helped her walk downstairs. She was dressed in a long pink floral dress looking cute. She wasn't showing much till now after all it was the fourth one. Arjun was more careful about everything now. He knew how much his wife needed him right now and he made sure he was always there for her.

Everybody wished Tara while Shraddha moved the red chilies around her before burning them removing all the bad eyes over the baby and her. Khuranas kept a small puja at home. Tara was very happy with all the things her in-laws were doing for her happiness. She couldn't express her gratitude towards them.

Tara looked at her husband who was sitting beside her in the puja joining his hands. She closed her eyes hearing the holy chants. It was always very calming for her to hear all of it. Also, Shraddha asked her to read the Ramayana everyday so she would always be having positive energy around her.

Turns out everybody started believing in myths that during pregnancy, a woman is more vulnerable to dark energies so she should always be protected. Even her husband was believing everything because he wanted things to go flawlessly for his wife. Even Shraddha was going to the temple regularly to pray for the mother and child. She was even planning to go on a pilgrimage soon.

When the puja was completed, Arjun looked at his wife who looked at him as if expecting something.

"What?", he asked her making her pout looking angry now. 

"My gift", she spoke which made him nod.

"Sorry I forgot", he spoke making her gasp with a pout sitting on the sofa.

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