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The whole Khurana mansion was silent maybe because the elders weren't there. The youngsters thought to send them for a date and that is what they planned for them. It wasn't like the elders didn't like the idea but they have to show themselves very strong but nonetheless they left knowing Hriday and Arshia would take care of the kids. Now let's introduce you all the younger members of the family, Hriday and Arshia- Tara and Arjun Khurana, Ikshit Khurana- Kinshuk and Marisha Khurana, Krisha and Tanay - Kenit and Tamanna Khurana.

Arshia smiled at her little cousins who were glaring at each other while Tanay was sleeping peaceful in his room after his day in nursery. She moved to her room pushing the door open and closing it switching on the lights of her room. She knew her parents won't be home at least not till tomorrow after all they got time together after so long. 

She turned only to gasp keeping her hand on her heart as her hands started shivering.

"I thought you won't ever come back", the man wearing a black turtle neck sweater paired with white pants and dark expensive shoes.

"What are you doing here?", she asked scared of the person in front of him.

"Wow, Sweetie after taking away my sleep, you are asking me this", he asked crossing his legs like he was the boss here leaning back on her leather chair on which she usually read novels in the morning. He was holding one of the story book before opening it again.

"Never knew, you liked reading about kissing scenes and all sex scenes between the leads", he told her making her face red. Why did she have to put the bookmark there?

"Dakshit, why are you here?", she asked him trying to look strong. This guy already made things so difficult, why is he here now?

"Darling, did you really think you would get rid of me this soon", Dakshit spoke finally standing up checking the time in his wrist watch.

"Since when you are here", she asked him.

"One hour precisely", he told her as she shook her head knowing he was a gone case. He moved closer to her. She showed him her finger asking him to stop.

"Dakshit, my father would kill you if he found you here", Arshia thought to scare him by her father's threat. Who in the world wasn't scared of him? Right? He tilted his head to the right having that scary smirk on his face. He continued taking steps towards her before caging her in his arms.

"You think these things would scare me", he told her making her struggle to get away from this cage. He suddenly held her jaw in a tight grip making her forcefully look at him gritting his teeth this time.

"You really think you will forget me soon, ha?", he asked more like shouted at her making her shiver.

"Dakshit, what the hell is wrong with you? You are acting like a pyscho like a sick person. I just went there to have vacations not to have love connections. I am not in love with you", she told him straight away. Yes, she wasn't in love with him though she was attracted to him at first glance but now, he only scared her.

He laughed loudly at her words as he moved closer to her making her face the other side. His lips landed on the side of her forehead kissing on it gently making her shiver.

"I never said you love me. But the fact here, my darling is, I do own you. I am not letting you go", he told her making her try to push him away from her. He held her neck in a tight grip making her look at him pulling her towards him. Her black eyes bored in his honey brown eyes. 

"You are mine. You heard it", he spoke more like spit out these words.

"I belong to no one. Not at least you", she told him matching his glare. He laughed at her words taking a step back from her.

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