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He was studying a few of his files. It was a cloudy day outside it could rain any moment which made the weather more chilly than usual. He sighed sipping on the coffee, he just prepared. 

His wife was sleeping at this time, and he was happy that she was taking proper rest. 

He was going to be busier with the passing time so he wanted her to join her college again. He was aware of the fact that she wanted to join her college as well. He read the whole document before signing on it when the raindrops started trickling on his window. 

The sound of the small raindrops falling on the hard surface led to a very soft and comforting voice. But it couldn't calm his anger as he found a few mistakes in a single document. He picked up his phone calling his PA.

"Yes sir", she spoke in a sleepy voice. It was still 6 in the morning.

"Ms. Sharma, I am telling you very clearly. Either you do your work seriously or put your resignation on my table", he told her making her wake up immediately.

"Sir, what happened?", she asked in a fearful voice.

"Did you even check this document before forwarding it to me?", he asked as she cursed in her mind. She forgot to do that. She was too busy reading the new book she bought a few days ago.

"I am sorry, sir", she apologized immediately.

"Either check this piece of the contract before 9 otherwise you know how to type your resignation letter", he told her harshly before hanging up on her.

He breathed heavily trying to calm his breathing.

Just then he heard the sound of anklets which made him look at the closed door but nobody came inside. 

He stood up from his place to check on her. He walked out of his study to look for her only to find her in the kitchen drinking a glass of warm water.

Her long hair was pulled up in a messy bun. She was wearing a light saree which meant that she took a bath already. Her eyes fall on him as she found him leaning on the wall looking at her. 

"You had your breakfast", she asked him as he was already ready for the day.

"I don't know how to cook and even if I knew I couldn't cook it because I was very busy with work", he told her making her shake her head. 

"You should take care of your health. You woke up at 4 and it's already 6:30. You must be really hungry. You could've woken me up", she spoke while getting a few slices of bread and milk from the refrigerator.

 "I thought I didn't make a noise while waking up", he told her making her smile.

"You don't that is the thing. You snore while sleeping when you wake up it's completely silent", she told him with a soft smile on her lips making him frown.

"Oh, I am really sorry for that. I didn't know I snore", he spoke looking in distance. 

"You didn't know you snore? I can't believe that. You've never shared a room with anybody", she asked him with raised eyebrows astonished by this new discovery.

"I started sleeping in my own room at the age of 6. I never shared my room with anybody", he confirmed still having his eyes in space.

"Oh", she whispered. She felt very bad for him. A small child is always scared of stay alone.

"By the way, I don't care if you snore because my brother used to snore so loudly, and till the age of 18, I shared my room with him. You snore softly nobody can hear it at a distance", she said tried to cheer him up but he didn't say anything.

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