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He knew that she will surely regret this later or even if she don't he shouldn't see her that way not right now. She is emotionally distressed at the moment that's why she is asking for his help. He took a few steps back as she continued looking down. He tied his handkerchief around his eyes moving closer to her.

He sat down unclasping her bra slowly as she looked at him. Finding his eyes covered, she couldn't help but feel good. The respect she had for him increased so much at this moment as he removed her clothes. He moved his hand trying to reach up for the shampoo which she passed to him. He massaged the shampoo in her hair cleaning it properly slowly continued cleaning her body with the loofa making sure not to make much contact with her skin otherwise he won't be able to control herself and she was not ready for all this at all. Not at this moment. 

He made sure she was clean before passing the towel to her.

"Go before I do something wrong", he whispers making her frown but nonetheless she did as asked moving out with the towel wrapped around her with slow steps. He heard the door closing as he leaned against the wall removing the cloth covering his eyes.

"I didn't know I can find something this difficult", he whispered to himself looking at the closed door before taking deep breaths closing his eyes.

He was worried about her more than anything. He changed immediately after taking a cold shower and went back inside his room.


The following days were really difficult for Arjun more than Tara. The moment when she would wake up crying with all the nightmares at night, he would feel worse for not reaching her on time. For taking so long to protect his angel.

She was scared of every moment around her so he couldn't even go to his office. Not that she was asking him to stay with her but he just knew he needed her. She would stay in the darkness most of the time looking at the space. 

It took him so long to get her back to her usual self making her believe that he would always keep her safe. She finally did believe him and started going back to her normal self. He increased her security.

She sighed though she didn't like being caged. But she couldn't do anything. She knew he was just worried for her safety. 

She leaned back on the bed trying to think about something else. After asking him so many times, he finally agreed to go to his office. 

She could still feel his tender touch on her body when he gave her a bath to her. She knew it was wrong to feel this way about him or was it right thinking like this about him? She thought feeling her face getting red. 

He was always so considerate about her needs. He would make sure she was actually fine before leaving.

Just then her phone started ringing pulling her mind out of her wild thoughts. She slapped her cheeks lightly which were so warm as if she was suffering from fever. A small smile covered her lips remembering how her thoughts changed for him.

How she actually start seeing him as her husband? How she start paying attention to his strong biceps and muscular body? 

She picked up the call after finding it from Kinshuk.

"Bhabhi Ji", she heard his overexcited voice making her roll her eyes at his excitement.

"Yes Devar Ji", she answered making him laugh.

"How are things going?", he asked.

"Good I guess", she said walking to the window looking outside. It was a sunny day today. She chose to go out and sit in the sunlight for some time.

Angel In Devil's hell √Where stories live. Discover now