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A beautiful girl was sitting in the research room of the library typing something about her assignment and reading books side by side wanting to complete her assignment as soon as possible. She wasn't understanding why they were given so less time to complete their work. Only if she was like her brother and could manage all these things. But of course, she was more of a procrastinator, it was her mistake at the end of the day. That's what her mother told her.

She completed the last part of the assignment before submitting it quickly. She leaned on her chair taking a sigh of relief as finally her work was done. She could enjoy her weekend happily. She checked the time on her smart phone and it showed 4:30. She needed to reach back home quickly. She moved out of the library getting her bag from the locker room.

She cursed silently seeing it raining outside. She checked her bag where she found an umbrella. No matter, if she had an umbrella or not but the fact right now was the dirt which would be around. She didn't like to get dirty at all. She felt her phone vibrating which made her pick up the call.

"Yes, papa", she responded picking up the call.

"It's raining, bacha. Where are you?", he asked her making her sigh. He always worry about her too much.

"I am just coming out", she told him knowing he was already there waiting for her. She smiled looking at her father who was sitting inside the car. She immediately open the door as the guards took the umbrella from her.

"How are you, papa?", she asked him.

"Absolutely good, how about you?", he asked her starting the car as she nodded her head. What might go wrong with the daughter of Arjun Khurana with so many guards surrounding her. Well accept for one thing but let's just skip talking about it?

They reached back home as she found her twin brother sitting on the couch reading some papers maybe about his next deal. She sat beside him putting her head on his shoulder.

"Long day", he asked as she hummed lightly. She looked at her grandmother who came with the snacks before smiling brightly at her. 

"Dadi, I am tired", She told Shraddha sighing dramatically.

"What happened to my little princess? I told you not to overwork yourself. You get tired pretty easily", Shraddha said feeling bad for her granddaughter. Arjun entered inside and saw his mother. She smiled at him while he exchanged it with a small one. Over the period of years, there relation had been much better. 

Arjun looked around for his wife when they heard shouting. Both the young children of the Khurana family sitting in the living room looking at each other.

"Chachu-Chachi fighting again", they spoke together before shaking their head.

"I am telling you Kenit. You can't ask me to always stay at home", Tamanna told her husband angrily. Stupid man.

"You saw that man. How he was looking at you?", Kenit argued not letting go of this topic this time.

"Yeah, I did. It wasn't like he was going to jump upon me", Tamanna shouted at him when Kinshuk came down from his room whistling.

"Where are the kids?", Kenit asked about their kids.

"They are in the garden. Chilling out and I am going there only", Kinshuk spoke when his wife, Marisha walked towards him wiping the water on the side of his face with her dupatta making him smile at her. She was always so caring towards him.

The 12 year old girl ran inside the mansion calling for her father. Kenit immediately moved downstairs to see what caused trouble to his daughter. She looked no less than a doll with her hair tied in two ponytails.

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