Chapter 12

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Leah's pov.....

They say when you do something and it gives you peace, just know it's the right thing.
There is no rest for the wicked ,they shall Wither like dry grass. That was  exactly what was happens to Rachel,she is drowning in her wickardness as she deserved.

decided to go outside and  get some fresh air after enjoy the party.
Upon opening the kitchen door,I saw Rachel seated on the cordial crying,so I walked to her.

" Rachel, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her.

" I got bored,so I came out," she answered, wiping her tears and faked a smile.

" Bored at a party? that's not possible," I said shaking my head," did someone say something to you?"

That's the only thing that makes her cry..

" I opposed the idea of a family gathering at first because I knew people will start speaking no sense," she answered, wiping the tears in her eyes," like I imagined,they are making fun of me,"

That's exactly what I wanted Rachel,the same family that was always supporting you,to be the ones that speak ewe of of you,you don't know how am enjoying this.

" Elizabeth told you of a solution that would work, remember, don't you think trying it out will do?" I challenged.

She turned to look at me astonished.

" What you thought she didn't tell me?" I asked with a smirk.

" I just don't trust her,'' she confessed turning away from my stare,'' plus,you know how Jacob is against  those things,"

" But you can trust me, don't you? .....we just want what's best for you," I asked her, not believing I was lying to my own sister,am a bad person and I love it," and Jacob wont know anything,if you don't tell him,moreover, he doesn't feel your pain.
you are the best person to know what's best for, cause as it is God has failed you,so choose wisely,"

" Maybe you right," she agreed, still bowing her head.

" Am always right," I answered shaking with laugher," And this should just be between us ok,"
She nodded.

I saw mother-in-law, coming our direction,so I stood to leave because me and her were never in good terms.

Rachel pov....

" mother," I called, upon seen my mother-in-law coming towards me,I wiped my face clear,and cooked up a smile.

" The woman after my son's heart," she spoke, making me giggle," why are you outside,"

" I was just getting some fresh air," I answered as I watched her sit next to me.

" You left a long time ago,why host a party you are not enjoying,"

Many people say mother in law and daughter in law are not usually in good terms, but for us, our relationship is out of earth.
If someone told me she was my biological mother,I wouldn't decline because she always treated me like her daughter, Even better than most of her daughters.
She read clearly when I was in pain and celebrated my joy.
Despite not giving her grand children,she loved me and encouraged me to wait for the right time.

" Someone talking about it is always my weakness," I cried,tears trailing down my cheeks.

" Once upon a time lived a woman who never used to conceive, after been in there married for 5 years, her husband, turned against her, including his family, but one thing,she never lost hope and believed a better day was coming....moral of the story, hope. We are with you in this and My son loves you so much, even better than Leah who as given him 5 children.
We pray for you and God on his own time,will remember you,"

I was speechless, and tears keep following out.
Seeing this,she pulled me in a tight huge.

Her huge,had so much ;love, affection, support,care , it's what I really needed at that point,a motherly huge.


I took Leah's advice and went to see baba zayoni.
He gave me some herbs to drink and assured me that in three days time, everything would be fine.

I started my course, and made sure to keep it a secret from Jacob.
After successfully taking it for two days, It was now my last day.

I always took my medicine after bathing and on this day,I decided to do the same.
It was mid afternoon and I knew Jacob would not be coming home anytime soon,so I made the solution and put it on the table in the kitchen and went to my room.

   The sound of a door opening, triggered my attention,so I walked out of my room and ran to the kitchen.

" Honey are you there?" Jacob called freaking me out.
My heart was popping out of my cheat due to fear.
What is he doing back this early? I thought to myself.

I took the cup from the table,to try and hide it but ended up tripping and it spelt,the cup breaking as well.
The loud sound of the broke cup made Jacob run to the kitchen.

" Babe what happened?" He asked glancing from me to the floor.

The herbs were red with a track of lime green in it, slimy and had a very bad smell.

Jacob winced his face in disgust as he looked up at Me.

" What is this?"

I was mute,I didn't know what to say or how to react,my heart was racing inside my cheat to how afraid I was and my legs were shaking out of panic.

" You can no longer speak?" He asked annoyed.

" Ju...I..ce..," I stammered

He squatting and got some on his finger,  to taste.  The bitter teast made him wince in disgust.

" Rachel are you lying to me?" He asked standing up.

I was doing this for us, for our future,so that we can have Children, but I know you are not going to understand.

"Rachel!" " They are herbs!" I shouted, closing my eyes,in fear.

" From where and for what?"
" Is it important to know?" I answered, turning to get a mop.

He knows,no need to be afraid.

" Rachel, I asked a question," he asked calmly but annoyed.

" I wasn't feeling well," I distracted myself,so that he wouldn't see how guilty I looked for lying.

He took my hand holding it tightly and turned me to face  him.

" You are hating me Jacob," I cried, avoiding his stare.

" Is it true?" He asked maintaining his gaze at me,"did you go to see that witch doctor?"

" Who told you you?'' I asked quickly finally looking at him as tension swept though me.

" Just answer my question,"

" I just had too," I said trying to force out of his grip.

He let go of me and I saw a red spots where he had tightened his grip.

" Why would you do that,I thought I told you am against that, not just that we are christians, so why would you do that?'' he asked disappointed.

" Christians you say? What has that done for me, has the Christianity given me a child?" I stormed, seething in anger.

" Because of a child,you have decided to throw away your morals,am disappointed Rach," he expressed gloomy,"ok let's say you have a child, using his rubbish, will you be proud, selling your soul to the devil, just to have a child, will you be proud of the child?"

" As long as it removes shame on my face,I can do anything," I whispered, my head bowed.

" You disgust me," he said and walked out.

Am sorry, I'm just desparate....

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LeeleeKez read my book

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