chapter 15

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Leah's pov...

"She what?" I exclaimed turning to look at Elizabeth with disgust.

" Leah, that girl has over stayed in your house, don't you think it's time to get ready of her?" She challenged.

" But how? You know Jacob just can't ask her to leave without a reason," I complained turning away in annoyance.

" She entered your house without permission right? Use that to your advantage," she suggested, smirking as she always did, when she maked an impressive but stupid idea.


Jacob arrived home that afternoon and found me crying.

" Leah? What's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to me.
He stared at me waiting for a reply, but I didn't say a word,so he shouted," Leah," frightening me.

Despite having tension with Rachel,his affection towards me never change.
For the 13 years Rachel was childless, Jacob never change his affection towards her,he was romantic, called her sweet name,went on dates with her and did everything to make her happy.
I had done all I could to turn him away from her, and it worked, but with me,he was a different story. Define a forced marriage? The answer is my marriage to Jacob.
All this was because of that Rachel and getting ready of her was the solution,so I vowed to do all I could.

" I have lost the k1500 you gave me," I answered,

"How?" He asked, glaring at me.

" I kept it in the house because I was going to use it soon, but when I went back to where I had placed it,it was gone?" I narrated.

" Are you sure you looked careful," he inquired glance around as if I could have put it somewhere open.

" Yes love, I checked everywhere," I answered and continued crying.

" But why are you crying?" He asked annoyed.

" Because you work hard for your money and I don't want to be the one to worst it," I answered leaning on his shoulder.

Noticing he was quiet, I continued.

" Did you give Rachel any money?"

" No,why would I even do that?"
" Yesterday," I started, sitting up right," I saw her come in with lots of shopping bags and it so happened that she was see entering my house by Elizabeth and Abigail,"

" So why are you crying when you know who the suspect is?" He asked standing up," did you ask her about it?"

" She is going to refuse,you know how that witch is," I answered glommy.

" Come with me," he demanded, pulling me to stand.

" Rachel!'' he shouted as we matched to her house.

" What Jacob?" Rachel answered, immediately she came out.

" Where is the money you took from Leah's house?" He asked, glaring at her.

" I don't understand," she answered, folding arms.

" Elizabeth told me she found you coming out of my house and yesterday,you had people delivery items worth lots of money at you house,"
I reminded her and she laughed, making me look like I just spoke rubbish.

" Is that why am been accused of stealing or getting money I don't know about?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

" Look I didn't come here to play with you, just give me the money or you will not like what I will do to you," Jacob demanded,peeved.

" I don't have time for this drama," Rachel said and turned to go back inside, but Jacob pulled her back ferociously and pushed her to the ground.

" Jacob! How dare you," she shouted, standing up.

He grabbed her hand and brought him close to him.
" I will take you the police station, there,you will have time for drama,"

" No love, no need for all that, just ask her to leave, because if she dies at the police station,we will be held accountable,so just chase her out of the house," I suggested, holding him back.

" that's a good idea,I will take her to your mother, her clothes will follow her later," he said bragging her out of the yard as she cried bitterly.


" I can't holding myself from jumping up and dancing, because am that happy," I told Elizabeth,who was pouring wine in glasses.

" I told you,it was that simple,if you had taken my advice back then,all this would have happened along time," she reminded me.

" Sweet at any time is sweet," I said thrilled.

" Let's celebrate darling," she suggested handing me a glass of wine.

" Why not, cheers to success and better days,"


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