chapter 14...

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Rachel's pov

" Rachel this can't be true," mum who was nursing my wounds said astonished.

" I don't want to ever go back to that house again,am done with that stupid Marriage," I cried, seething in pain.

" No my dear, you and your husband needs to work things out, you can't just run away like that," she advised, causing me to look at her annoyed,as I couldn't believe she was asking me to go back to that horrible house.

" Mum he is going to kill me," I protected.

" No he is not, your father and a few elders will come over and sit him down," she promised and I nodded.

Angry as I was I didn't want to lose my marriage,I love Jacob and I knew he loved me as well, things not been right at that point wasn't a convincing reason to run away from my Marriage.
Jacob feared my father and I knew if he spoke to Him,he would change,so I agreed with mum.


As promised,dad and some elders had sat Jacob down and he listened,he promised to never do it again.
But it was like the meeting made him worse; the silent treatment started again,he stayed as far from me as possible,and worse,stop giving me money or paying my bills.
As if his treatment wasn't enough,Leah and her child were another night mares it was like they were now showing colors that were hidden.
I would ask myself why I was still in that house everyday, because it was literally a nightmare.

" Rachel,all this doesn't sound normal to me,you need prayers," Hannah suggested, causing me to sigh in annoyance," I can take you to see my pastor,"

" Prayers are the last thing I need in my life," I answered rolling my eyes.

" Come on, can't you see that all this is not normal?" She convinced, but I just looked at her,as if she was talking to a statue.

" Where was the same God when the devil was ruining my life, didn't he know it would hate?" I spoke, trying hard not to crying.

" Rachel,..." " Hannah please, you are now married and you pregnant, pray,you have a reason to,"
Those words couldn't hold my tears, I sobbed painfully and she pulled me in a comforting embrace, something that I really needed at that point.


After staying at Hannah's for almost the whole day,I decided to go home.
Upon entering the yard,I smelled something burning and it was coming from Leah's house
I ran there immediately.

" Abi what's burning inside?'' I asked her as she was outside playing.

I saw smoke coming out from the kitchen window,so I ran inside.

I found relish burning on the stove and so,i quickly removed the pan from the stove and put it in the sink.

As I was coming out,I met Elizabeth,

" Rachel?" She said astonished.

" Hi Elizabeth," I greeted her.

" Is Leah home?" She asked, ignoring my greeting.

" No,I don't think she is," I asked glancing inside to make sure she wasn't.

" Then what are you doing in her house?" She folded arms, waiting for my reply.

" Something was burning inside,so came to check it out," I explained,not understanding why I was being explainable to her when this was not her house.

" Is that true Abi?" She asked turning to look at the little girl.
" Yes," she answered nodding.

" What is that even suppose to mean, this is my sister's house,I can enter her house without being answerable to anyone especially you," I clearly stated.

" Sister my foot, let's see if she will be happy to know you entered her house witch," she said and walked away.

Calling someone a witch without evidence is an offense for as far as I know, someone can pay alot of money for such an offense.
But how Many people would I have sued for it ;the whole community? My own husband? I reached a point where the word started sounding like a nickname....

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