Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9 Coming in hot.

Scarlett's Pov:

"Scarlett do you still have the letter?"

I gulp and nod. I always hated Annie. She always made me feel scared.

"Would you get it for me?"

I nod and quickly rush up the stairs to my room and root through the bin and grab it. I rush back down to her. She snatches it and uncrinkle it. She glances down at it. She takes her time in reading it. She then takes out her phone. She dialls in some numbers and holds the phone to her ear.

"Who are you callin?" Jay asks as he takes the letter from Annie's hand.

"Hello Police..."

Those two words knock me cold. I shiver. Oh god. Oh no. I've made it worse. I've closed the lid on my own coffin. Now Da'll kill me for sure. At the mention of the word Jay's eyes widen and he reads the letter. His jaw drops and he suddenly blots from the room, only to return with Willow and Milly. They both sit down on the couch. They both look at each other with confused looks on their faces. They don't know what's going on. I don't even understand what's going on. With a snap Annie brings me back.

"Scarlett pack your things.. Were leaving"

"Leaving? You can't take her!" Yells Willow standing up from the couch.

"I can and shall.. Go on now Scarlett"

"No!" I yell.

"Scarlett" Jay says shocked that I would yell at someone like Annie.

Someone who had so much power at her fingertips. Annie scowls.

"Scarlett.. Do you not realise how much danger your in? How much danger your putting your foster family in? I need to take you away.. Somewhere where your father can't find you! Do you understand?"

I don't understand. Anywhere I go he'll follow. He'll always find me. Always make my life hell. Danger I'm in? Bitch my lifes been nothing but dangerous! All my life I've been in danger of been beaten. If not by my Dad then by older kids in care. But Willow, Jay, Milly... There in trouble because of me. Because I had to go live with them. I suddenly regret, for the first time, saying yes to Jay's offer when he asks if I wanted to come live with them.

"Please Scarlett, its the only senseable thing to do!"

"Alright! Alright!" I rage and grab the sides of my head and grind my teeth in frustration.

I walk out of the room and up the stairs. I hear two pairs footsteps follow me. I don't close my bedroom door behind me so they can walk in. I kneel infront of my bed and grab my suitcase from under my bed and start repacking, tearing clothes from my warbrobe.

"Scarlett what's goin on?"

"I'm leavin'"

"Why?" Asks Milly.

I sigh.

"My Da's why.. "

"Has this got something to do with the letter?" Willow asks with tears in her eyes.

I nod.

"What letter?" Milly asks confused.

"It doesn't matter" I say and shake my hands.

I shut the empty warbrobe doors and move on to the dressing table. Pulling all the items on it, not even looking at what they are, and shuff them into my suitcase. I zip up the full suitcase.

"So that's it? Your gunna let your Da win?" Willow asks, her voice filled with anger but with a tone of saddness.

I pull the suitcase behind me as I push passed them and walk out of the room.

"He only wins if he hurts you" I mumble before throwing the bag down the stairs.

Surprisingly it doesn't bang but lands in Jay's supecting hands. He looks at it in his arms and then up to me at the top of the stairs. His eyes red. I can't look for long. I slowly make my way down the stairs.

"You know this is the only way right Scarlett? I don't want you to leave"

"I know Jay, its okay" I say awkwardly patting his shoulder and pull the suitcase out of his hands.

I pull it behind it and walk down to Annie waiting at the door.

"Hurry with your goodbyes" she says as she takes my suitcase and walks to her car.

I turn around to them. Milly looking confused, not understanding what's going on. Willow looks sad with tears running down her face. Jay has his hand on Willows shoulder, his eyes are red from crying but his mouth is set in a straight line, like he's trying to compose himself. Willow runs to me and clasps me in a bear hug.

"When will I see you again?"

"I dunno... Soon hopefully... Maybe after all this stuff's sorted"

"How long will that be?"

I manage to shrug under her clasp. She sqeezes one last time before letting go. She takes on last look at me.

"Ring and I'll help... No matter what it is I'll help. I'll get Liam, Rick... Cary.. Anybody. We can fight this bastard and win" she whispers.

I shake my head.

"You make it sound so simple when its not, we can't do something as big as that Willow. Even if we got them to help we can't, were just a couple of kids fighting a war we can't win... Ya know"

She nods.

"But still.."

"I'll keep it in mind"

She nods again and moves back to Jay. Milly walks up to me next.

"I don't know what's going on but whatever it is its dangerous... I'll miss you Scarlett... I'll look after them while your gone.. I'll see you when you get back"

I nod. She goes back to Willow and Jay comes over, hugs me and stares down at me.

"Scarlett.. Don't act up, behave.. We'll come get you as soon as we can"

I nod and he hugs me hard.

"I always thought of you as my family Scarlett"

"Thanks Jay, I really believe that"

He let's go and walks back to them. The people I care about more then anything. The closest to what I want in life. Family.

Scarlett (Complete) A Tracy Beaker Fanfic. Sequel to WillowWhere stories live. Discover now