Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

The Natives.

"Hey you ready?" Willow asks while walking into Harry's room.

I sit up from colouring girraffes with Harry.

"Yeah... We'll draw more next time Harry and I'll remember to bring the big book on African animals"

He smiles happily at me before contining colouring a giraffe.

I patt his hand and walk out with Willow.

"Guess who's coming home with us?"

"Just don't shift infront of me, Milly or Jay and you'll be fine"

She laughs.

"No Liam isn't coming over... Cary is!"

"What? Why? How?"

"Hah your face!" She says laughing.

"Willow!" I whine.

I hate it when she doesn't get to the point. Only I can do that.

"Well... He's giving Milly a drumming lesson"

"So she finally found a teacher?"

Milly's been begging Jay for months to get her a drum kit pretending that she can play the drums. She can't. The only thing she can play is noise. She's been trying to teach herself but she's failing.

Me and Willow walk out of Elmtree and into the car.

"See ya Scarlett" Rick says walking by us and into the house.

"Yeah... Bye"

We get into the car.

"Ooh... Sorry" I say as I bump into Cary sitting in the middle of the car seat.

"It's okay"

He smiles. This is going to be a long way home.

I look out the window the whole way home. Milly, Jay and Willow talk most of the time. Cary talks but very little. My minds full of plans. If I wait for them all to fall asleep tonight will I really leave? Maybe I should just call the gards? (That's what Irish people call Policemen) what will Da do to me once he has me? Hold me for a ransome? Kill me?

I don't even realise where home until Cary tugs my shoulder. I quickly make it up to my room.

"Your in a rush Scarlett" Jay comments as I rush up the stairs.

"Just want tah get as far away from Milly bangin' on dem drums" I lie still running up the stairs.

I don't look at him. I'm afraid he'll see that I'm lying. Or see that I'm stressed like Cary said.

I close the door of my room and turn the lock. Since we've been painting our rooms and I'm able to get around with out the wheelchair I moved upstairs into Rosy's room. I lock at my watch. 12:13 pm.

Load banging can be heard from downstairs as Milly and Cary start their lesson.

I take out my suitcase from my bed. I stare at it wondering if I should take it. No. I put it back under my bed and sit down on the floor beside the bed. I need it to look like I'm running away. I should leave a note saying not to come looking for me. But what if Da is going to kill me? Shouldn't I at least tell them where to find my body? Closing my eyes I decide on it. I stand up and grab my school bag sitting beside the door. I empty out all my school books, pens, maths sets, papers, notes on my bed. Taking out my suitcase again I dump all of it in there and zip it up. Grabbing a pair of jeans I stuff them in the bottom of the bag. I grab a clean tshirt from my drawer along with other things. I pack my phone and my ipod.

I sit on my bed. Unsure of what to really do. I pick up a pen and a pad of paper that was sitting on my bedside locker. I might as well start my 'running away' letter.


I'm going.

I don't fit in here.

I'm going to go away forever.

I'm going to fine.

Don't try and find me.

Maybe we'll see each other in the future?"

I whince as I write that. There's a fifty percent chance that I'm going to die tonight. Should I really write that?

Sighing I continue with the letter.

"I'll be safe.

I know my way around,

I just need to be alone.

Thanks so much for your love and support.

This last year has been the happiest of my life.

Love Scarlett xox"

That should be fine. I fold up the letter. I write Willow, Jay and Milly on the front. I put It in my shorts back pocket.

"Hey Scarlett?" Someone asks behind my door.


"Can I come in?"

I unlock the door and open it a jar. I walk back to my bed and sit down. My eyes glued to the bin containing Da's letter.

Cary walks in and shuts the door quietly behind him.

"Shouldn't ya be helpin Milly?"

"I've left her with some practise beats..."

I nod. I never look up from the bin.

"Do you want to talk about it Scarlett?"

"Bout wha?"

"Whatever is causing you to act all weird"

"I'm fine, how would ya know if I was actin weird? For all ya know I could act dis way twenty four seven"

"But you don't"

I shrug.

"Scarlett! Come here!" Yells Willow downstairs.

"Look Cary, I'll talk tah ya later" I say opening my door and walking out.

Cary Pov:

"Look Cary, I'll talk tah ya later" she says while opening the door and walking out.

I shake my head. Sometimes wrong here. Rick told me she was great fun, always laughing. But today she's nethier of these things. She's got something weighting her down. Somethings stressing her out. I look at the bin. She was staring at that all the time we were talking. And she had the door locked.

Quietly I sneek over to it. There's only a crumbled piece of paper in it. I hate to pry but somethings wrong here. Something bad can only come from this. I take it out of the bin and uncrumble it.

"Dear Scarlett,

Remeber me? It's Daddy.

I just got a call from your Mothers rehab clinic.

Your Mother has overdosed and died on the 14th May. I'm telling you this because that means that you are now to come live with me.

I know that you live with some rich man and his sister and daughter.

You will follow my instructions on the 19th of May.

Your coming and living with me. I want you to pack your bags, don't tell them where your going and why. You leave the house when there all asleep. You will meet me at the old train station in London. You come alone.

I'm watching you Scarlett and I'll know if you bring someone with you. If you don't come alone then I'll kill the rich man and his sister and daughter.

And don't think you can runaway from me

I'll make sure they pay dearly for that mistake.

Love Daddy."

I knew something bad can only come of this. My eyes linger to her bed. Her school bag is open. I only see a shirt and her phone.

She's really going. The stupid girl was going to go. There's only one way to stop her. I'm going to help to do it.

Scarlett (Complete) A Tracy Beaker Fanfic. Sequel to WillowWhere stories live. Discover now