Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 18 - City.

"Right Rick once we get Willow and Liam you bring them to the nearest police station. Cary.. You still got your fireworks?"


"Alright then, stay with me and Scarlett"

"I didn't no ya brought fireworks Cary"

He smiles at me and shrugs.

"Right now what?" Rick asks.

"Now we go in and find Willow and Liam and then you get them out of there. Once any of us find them text everyone on their phones. Went you get the text or if your the one sending the text get out as quick as you can. If he catches you use your weapon to defend yourself" Marcus instructs.

I nod and take out my knifes that were still wrapped around my hoodie. I hand one to Rick. Cary takes out four knifes and hands me and Rick one. Marcus pulls out a Smith and Wesson gun.

"Holy fuck! What are you doing with that? How'd you get one of them?!" Rick asks shocked and jumping back abit.

"Took it from my caretaker.. It's used incase of a break in.. Mainly protection"

"Ri' lads let's go" I say and throw my bag on the ground.

The others copy my actions and together we go in. We turn on our phones and spilt up. The inside of the train station is as old and torn up as it is outside. There's old wooden boxes and benches everywhere. There's a doorway with blackness pouring out of it.

Damn. Where's Marcus and his torch when ya need it.

I gulp and walk towards it. Its silent and pitch black. I take out my phone and shaking shine the light into it. The room is small and empty. It smells of dusty and has old cobwebs and spiders. I turn around and make my way across the room towards another room. I listen to see if I can hear anything. I try to see inside but its too dark. I turn around and I swear I heard somebody breathe. Chills run down my spine as I turn back around expecting to see some sort of monster child or alien or the boggie man.

"Who's there?" I whisper, too scared to say it any loader just in case my Da's nearby and hears me.

There's not a sound in the room. All is quiet. What if someone's in there? What if its Willow? What if she's hurt?

Taking a deep breathe I ask again who's there. I shine my light in and start with the ceiling. The room is smaller than the last one with no windows. I freeze when my light reaches the blanket on the floor. Underneath it something cover. I hold my breathe.

Oh no. We're too late. She dead already.. Or what if its Liam?

Slowly walking towards it I take hold of the blanket and pull it back. If its a monster I'll use my knife to defend myself. I look down at the body. Its laying on it stomach. Brown hair hiding the face. Wearing a purple hoodie and jeans. Wait purple hoodie?

"Liam?" I call and toutch the body without thinking.

The body shakes and I jump abit in shock. I turn him over on his side to discover him with cuts and bruises on his face and arms. He tries opening his eyes but it's seems painfull.

"Willow? How did you escape?"

"No Liam its Scarlett.. We're looking for Willow"

"Scarlett? Shouldn't you be on the other side of the country?" His voice sounds cracked and dry.

Damn I should have brought my bag!

"Can you get up?"

"I'll try"

He tries to and gets as far as lifting his legs before trying to sit up. He gasps in pain. I can't help feel that his pain is my fault.

"How long have you been like this?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him up.

He groans and hisses in pain. I put his arm around my shoulder and tell him to walk.

"Been like that for who knows how long.. Its always dark in that room"

"We have to get you out now"

We get outside and I sigh a breath of relief. I quickly text the lads.

Message To: Marcus :), Rick :P, Cary :L

Hey guys I found Liam. Badly hurt. Get outside now and meet at the entrance.

"What about Willow?" Liam asks me.

"I'm sure one of the lads has found her, if not Rick's bringing you to the police station and they'll take you to the hospail"

He smiles.

"Coppers helpin me? I've seen it all"

I smile. Even when he could be dying he's still the same old Liam O'Donovan.

My phone lights up.

Two New Messages.

From: Marcus :)

Great. Half the battle won. I havnt found anything yet. I'll keep looking.

From: Cary :L

Thank god! Found nothing so far. I'll keep at it.

"Liam your heavy" I say as I shift some weight.

I wave Rick over as he enters out the far side of the building. He runs up to us and freezes when he see's Liam. He runs faster now.

"Im only heavy from being swollen"

I look down. I can even look at Liam and his battered face and body. Who knows how bad he is? And its all my fault. I shouldn't have come to elm tree.

"Hey.. Got your message.. Liam you look bad man"

"Maybe now I'll fit the image" he mutters as Rick takes his other arm.

"You should bring him to the gaurds now" I say and looking down the long ditch road.

"What about Willow?"

"I'll send Cary to bring her back"

"Cary's here too?" Liam asks. "Jesus O'Connor how many eln tree kids did you bring?"

"Two, now go quick"

They slowly leave with grunts and groans from Liam. I shake my head. Now's not the time to be feeling guilty. I send a message to Marcus and Cary and tell them that Rick took Liam to the police station and that I'm going back in.

Inside I go through another doorway which leads to four more. Quietly I listen into the dark. I can see my phone light up in my pocket as the light shines through my jeans. Its a message from Marcus

From: Marcus :)

I found her but Scarlett's dad is with her. Need back up. By the ticket booth. Hurry but be quiet at the same time.

I scan my light through the rest of the room and discover a door. I walk down a dark and damp hallway until I reach a door at the end of it. Light pours out from the key hole. I look through it and gasp. Its Willow tied up in a chair with a gag on her mouth. She looks to be crying. Her body covered with cuts and bruises like Liam. My Dad hovered infront of her. But that's not what makes me gasp. Its the fact that Marcus is sitting in a chair next to her Willow, tied up and gagged.

Marcus got caught and now he's in trouble. What am I going to do?

Scarlett (Complete) A Tracy Beaker Fanfic. Sequel to WillowWhere stories live. Discover now