Chapter Four

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Chapter 4


"Jay pass the butter?" Willow asks Jay at the table.

He reaches over and passes the butter that was sitting beside me.

"Jay pass dah milk?" I ask nodding towards the milk beside Willow.

"Right that's it" he says standing up from the table.

The chair he was sitting on moves back with a nasty sound.

"When are you going to talk to each other again? I'm sick of doing this and doing that... Talk to each other! Make up with one another"

There's silence in the room. I look at Milly sitting beside Willow.

"Milly could ya..."

"Milly don't you dare pass that milk"

Milly looks at me and then to Willow and then to Jay.

"I'm only home five minutes and I already want to go back to boarding school"

"Willow's fault" I say in a sing song.

"Scarlett!" Jay says scowling.

"At least I can let go"


I scoff.

"Yeah... 10 years wasn't it?" I say slyly.

She scowls angrly at me.


"Ah shut up Jay"

"Don't tell my brother to shut up" barks Willow.

"Dont preach wha ya can't practise"

"Ooh... Burn!" Milly says smiling.

"At least I can read"

Everyone's silent until Milly speaks up.

"Scarlett you can't read?"

"Or spell" says Willow sitting back in her chair smiling.

My face flushes. She didn't need to tell Milly aand Jay that. It's bad enough everyone at school knows.

" 'Least I don't act like Elektra..." I say before picking up the toast and flinging it at her.

She looks at me in shock. She blinks a couple of times before grabbing a handful of cornflakes from her bowl and throws them at me. They spatter my face. Growling I chuck a plate of scrambled egg at her.

"Ew I hate scrambled egg!"


She grabs her cup of tea and manages to spill it over my head.

Thank god its cold.

We got grab the butter and the sauages but Jay grabs our arms.


He's never used such a harsh tone with us.

"Get yourselfs cleaned up!"

Grummbling angryly we both move from out of our places at the table and head to the same bathroom. Ignoring each other until we both look in the mirror. Willow's hair is streaked with scrambled egg, toast crums and jam from on of the pieces of toast. I start laughing uncontroblely at her.

"Oh your laughing at me? Have you not looked at yourself?" Willow asks smiling.

I take another look at me with my sausages and cornflakes stuck to my tshirt and hair.

"Ahh jesas... I'm dah cornflake monster!... RAR!"

I start throwing my arms around the air and laugh. Willow laughs too.

"What age are you 4? God ha stop it! Hah"

I smile happily and start picking sausages out of my hair.

"I'm sorry Willow..." I start before she cuts me off.

"No.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten so mad... Its just my past is toutchy with me... I wasn't angry at you..."

"I know... Its alright... I'm sorry for well... I'm just sorry"

She smiles and holds out her arms.

"Friends?" She asks.

I smile and hug her hard.

"Till dah day we die"

"Yeah... I got to get away from you... You smell"

"And who's fault is dah?"

She laughs.

"You started it first but any how... You get a shower, I'll get you some clean clothes"


She leaves the bathroom. I keep picking bits of breakfast out of my hair. She comes back 10 minutes later with jeans and a green betty boo top along with essentials.

"Sound" I say smiling as I take the clothes.

She closes the door behind herself. Quickly I get a shower and dry myself. Throwing on the clothes I clean the soaking bathroom floor.

I throw the wet towel in the sink and head out.

I go up to my room to dry my hair. I can't find it.

"Oh yeah I put it up there" I say to myself while looking at the top of my closet.

I reach up and feel around for it. I feel something like paper. I pull it down. My breathing stops. Its the letter. The letter that I couldn't bring myself to open. I sit down beside the radiator. The warmth does nothing to stop the shivers running down my back. With shaking fingers I open the letter. The cream paper smoothe. I unfold the letter and take a deep breathe. I can't believe I'm going to open a letter that my Da sent me. I thought he'd be gone for good. I slowly read it. Remembering his cold voice in my head.

"Dear Scarlett,

Remeber me? It's Daddy.

I just got a call from your Mothers rehab clinic.

Your Mother has overdosed and died on the 14th May. I'm telling you this because that means that you are now to come live with me.

I know that you live with some rich man and his sister and daughter.

You will follow my instructions on the 19th of May.

Your coming and living with me. I want you to pack your bags, don't tell them where your going and why. You leave the house when there all asleep. You will meet me at the old train station in London. You come alone.

I'm watching you Scarlett and I'll know if you bring someone with you. If you don't come alone then I'll kill the rich man and his sister and daughter.

And don't think you can runaway from me

I'll make sure they pay dearly for that mistake.

Love Daddy."

I shake my head. This carnt be right! I was told he'd never be aload near me again. He's dead to me. And Ma overdosed? Why wasn't I told that? I put my head in my hands. Its only then do I realise I've been holding my breath. My heart racing I breathe in heavy lungful's of air. That's today's date.

I feel sick. What do I do? What do I do? I yell in my head.

The answers obvious. I have to go tonight. I have to go to my Da. Its the only way that Willow, Jay and Milly will be safe.

Scarlett (Complete) A Tracy Beaker Fanfic. Sequel to WillowWhere stories live. Discover now