Chapter 51. The seven dragon gods

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"Well, when I look at all these creatures here I can understand that you might be a little more reserved especially if you have only dealt with horses before, but the way this man looked he probably took them to his heart quite quickly, even if I have the feeling that he looks at his animals with a much more heartfelt effort than other people." A soft giggle could be heard from Freya's mouth and she nodded in agreement.

"It may seem that way but I have seen how he is with his wife and with his apprentice, I think he just seems a little rough and cool on the outside but he seems to really care about family and friends. I brought him from Redcliff where he has a farm with his family, he served for Arl Eamon for many years before he came to the Inquisition."

I was about to speak when I heard something not far from us that sounded like scraping against something made of wood

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I was about to speak when I heard something not far from us that sounded like scraping against something made of wood. I turned around and listened. Slowly I went deeper into the stables and arrived at some sort of larger barn. A middle-aged man was working at some kind of workbench where he seemed to be crafting something out of wood, however he turned to me very quickly with one hand already on the handle of his blade. Whoever this man was, he was certainly not someone who made careless steps and not someone who simply let himself be surprised. He looked like a battle-experienced companion of the Inquisition who had certainly fought many battles already. Definitely not someone you wanted to approach out of nowhere.

"Who or what are you, if I may ask". His voice was firm and hard and showed not a bit of insecurity, which told me that he would try to make me a head smaller if I had come here with bad intentions, but fortunately I had not. His hair and beard were of a dark brown and his eyes of a light green which fascinated me not because of their color but because of their history behind them. In his eyes I recognized hatred, sadness, contempt and a lot of pain, which let me conclude that he had probably experienced a lot of terrible things and still had to fight with the consequences. Also, the hatred and contempt in his gaze was not directed at me, but at something in a completely different world. Something that I could not define.

What interested me even more about his whole outfit was that he wore the sign of the Grey Wardens on his chest, which surprised me because I had heard that they had suddenly disappeared from many parts of this world and it was therefore a bit strange to find one of them here. Really strange.

When the hole in the sky appeared, a short time later I had heard that many of the Grey Wardens had disappeared from the scene, which unfortunately led many to think that they had something to do with it, which I hoped not, since they were something like heroes in my eyes. The blight was always a certain period of time in which the revenant creatures of the so-called dark spawn found one of the old gods called Archdemons and infected him with their blight, corrupting him.

The old gods were people who were once worshipped many centuries ago, including very powerful magicians who worshipped special dragons. However, these dragons were false gods in the name of the church and the history of the church said that the maker, the most powerful god of all, who had created this world, therefore locked them underground, the so-called deep ways, so that they should never again see daylight. In the history there were seven Dragon Gods and they were Dumat the so-called Dragon of Silence, who brought the first corruption to the world and was defeated. In the 395th year of the Ancient Age, long before I was born, the very first blight hit the world and it took almost two hundred years before it was completely defeated. A Blight was always led by an Archdemon, one of the seven Dragon Gods, who together with a massive army of ferocious monsters came to the surface to lay waste to the world. With each blight there had been thousands upon thousands of deaths and those who were not immediately killed by the dark spawn were simply taken underground and eaten there later. Water touched by the dark spawn became contaminated and every plant these monsters walked past dried up within seconds, the sky darkened with each passing day during a blight, making it easier for the shadow and darkness loving creatures to remain on the surface.

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