Chapter 48. Show me your goods

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Once we had passed through the many gates and crossed the great bridge, the people of the Inquisition began to slowly split up to carry found materials such as ores, herbs and skins to the facilities where they were most likely stored, as well as weapons and other items that had been taken or found on the journey. Others began to scatter in different directions, including the narrow group in which Freya was moving. The bull moved on towards the tavern, but told me that he was there most of the time and that I could come and see him anytime. Varric went up the big stairs to the fortress and Cassandra went in the direction that, as Freya told me, was equipped with some training dummies and some quiet places where the warrior liked to linger. I already noticed how some glances turned to me and in some places where there had just been conversations, there was now silence. I decided to concentrate first on Freya, who came to me with a not so small grin on her face.

"Now that we have arrived here, it seems that I have the great honor of personally introducing you to everything here and showing you around a bit so that you don't get lost later". I nodded gratefully and went to her side.

"It would be a great honor Inquisitor if you would guide me, but you don't have to worry, I have a very good sense of orientation, I will find my way around quite quickly".

The first thing that was obvious at first glance, and probably attracted all the attention, was the great fortress, whose stairs led right to its gates and from which I could not wait to see what it looked like from the inside. But I would deal with that later, because first it was the big outdoor area.

We moved on to the right and passed a few stalls, whose operators Freya nodded friendly

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We moved on to the right and passed a few stalls, whose operators Freya nodded friendly. She stopped at one of them and then pointed to me.

"This is Orion, a new and very much appreciated member of the Inquisition he will be of extraordinary benefit to us in the fight against Corypheus". I took a closer look at the young man opposite me, and of course I could immediately see that he was not a human, but an elf, dressed in a robe quite similar to the magicians. He looked at me a little bit before he indicated a bow to himself.

"My name is Farris and I am working at the moment, on behalf of the Inquisition, it is my pleasure". I could hear in his tone of voice that he wasn't really serious and that his words were probably just a standard text that he brought to all the new faces of the Inquisition but this didn't bother me much. I took a look at his table and could see many scrolls there, which seemed to have been written quite elaborately and finely. On some of the scrolls I could see well-known and quite powerful signatures and seals, which came from various noble and powerful houses I knew.

"You are a messenger, I suppose, if I take a closer look at your documents". He looked at me for another moment and I could see how one of his eyebrows was raised slightly. He nodded and then seemed to really turn to me for the first time

"Indeed I am, my humble self ensures that new and powerful alliances can always be formed between the Inquisition and other estates, and of course I also represent some of the high people. I take the liberty of speaking in their name and receive full support in my actions. I represent some of the most powerful houses in all of Thedas". I had to admit that it was perhaps not so easy to listen to him, because there was something about his pitch that told me that he was talking himself to a higher level than he actually was, and I could imagine that his work was the reason for this. Nevertheless, I listened to him carefully, because it was not that I was not interested in what he was saying. He examined me a little bit, but not in the sense that he looked at my appearance, but in the way that he told me that he was trying to estimate how much I knew about his work and how much he could expect from me, but I also had the feeling that he noticed that he could talk to me about his business in peace.

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