Chapter 43. Part of something new

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I could see the glow on the Inquisitor's face and for a second I wondered if she was going to jump into my arms or not. But she seemed to be able to control herself, even though I could imagine that it was quite difficult for her. She cleared her throat and also bent her head to a slight bow, while her arm took the same position as mine.

"The Inquisition welcomes you". I stood up again and she did the same while she gave me this smile again, which looked like she had a longtime friend in front of her and that was quite pleasant. For a moment the question rushed through my mind whether I had made the wrong decision but when I looked at this smile, I could only deny it myself. I had definitely made the right choice.

"It is an honor". She nodded happily and then looked at her other companions, who also seemed to be quite happy about my joining.

"Then we should probably start our journey home, which from now on will be your new home. I am sure you will like it very much". I nodded and together I moved on with the group. She was absolutely right, I would leave the woods and that probably for a long time. It wasn't that I was particularly sentimental about having to leave this place for an indefinable period of time, but it did stir certain feelings in me. We walked a long way and here and there we talked about the most everyday things in the world and I really couldn't deny that I liked it. When we finally arrived at the edge of the forest after several hours of walking, I turned around once more to look at the huge trees rising up into the sky. Freya, who had noticed that I had stopped, turned to me.

"Is everything all right? " I sighed and then nodded."

I have travelled a lot in my life and have seen many beautiful places and lived in many places in the world but this one had always been one of the most beautiful for me. I love this place and to be honest I had already made friends with the thought that I would probably never leave it but that seems to have changed now. There is nothing special about it, it is just the thought that... ". I paused for a moment to find the right words.

 "The last time I left home with such feelings, I started a completely new life. Everything changed in that moment and that had been both exciting and scary and that is exactly what I am feeling now. It is exciting and at the same time it makes me feel uneasy. I just have the feeling that it is exactly the same as it was then. I turned to her and looked at her.

"I am leaving and everything will change. A whole new beginning, you understand? ". I her look changed from a confused one to an understanding one and she approached me with a warm smile.

"I know that it is not easy and this is indeed a new beginning but I am convinced that it is one of the best and that you can go with us with a clear conscience". She also looked up at the trees and sighed

"Besides, I do not believe that this is a farewell forever. I mean, you are a dragon after all, travelling from place to place for you is certainly no problem". I returned her smile and nodded.

"You are certainly right, I also have the feeling that the Inquisition will be a good place and surely also a good home". She nodded again and patted me on the shoulder, which she couldn't really do because of the difference in size, so it looked more like she was more likely to pat my arm but in a loving way. She slowly joined the others and the group started moving again. I looked at the big forest one last time before I turned around and went with the others. I honestly had no idea what to expect, I had certain assumptions and certainly fears but what was to come and especially in what way remained hidden from me. I knew that the Inquisition had grown enormously over time and that many people followed it and that was something I had absolutely no experience with. Although I had lived among people, even if they were very few, I had no experience with such a large group and I didn't like it. I liked to be prepared for things and the way things looked at the moment, I couldn't prepare for anything that came my way. Another thing that I was not confronted with very often. Spontaneity could be a good thing in many cases and I didn't mind getting into something now and then but this feeling was always struggling with my beloved planning of things and it didn't always end well. Whatever would happen, I did not intend to turn my back on everything that was in front of me, because I wanted, like everyone else, the hole in the sky to disappear forever, and as soon as possible. Corypheus had to be stopped, even though it would probably cost many lives if we were to achieve this goal. I shook my head and let all worries fall away from me so that I could concentrate again on what was really important and that was now the Inquisition. I knew that the journey to Skyhold would take a few days, and it was unusual that I would not fly a long distance easily, but I wanted to adapt to the others as much as possible.

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