Chapter 28. Samson

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And suddenly there was silence all around us. It was not a threatening silence that took over this place, but one that had probably not existed here for a long time. Complete silence like I had not heard in my woods for a long time. For far too long the Free-Fighters and the Templars had done their illegal work here, but now it was mostly over. I enjoyed the few moments I had left before we moved on and closed my eyes. Although the smell of blood and impurity was still clearly noticeable in the air and the sight itself was not exactly blessed with beauty, there was something in the air that calmed me. Change. These woods had changed when the Templars and the Free Fighters had attacked them. The red lyrium had done a lot of damage and some parts of the ground seemed almost contaminated, but still I could feel that this would change soon. These woods would once again become the home I had always known and loved, and I owe that in large part to the Inquisitor.

"These forests became very sick with the arrival of the red lyrium but I have a feeling that they will recover with your help. I felt Freya's gaze resting on me and I could see out of the corner of my eye that her mouth twisted into a slight smile.

"You do a lot of good for this world. Perhaps one day you will do more than it deserves". I said those words but they were more for myself.

"I thank you for these pleasant words, even if I only have the feeling that I'm trying to prevent this world from falling apart and I don't know if I will really succeed. I nodded, because I could understand their situation.

"You have doubts, but I think everyone in your position would. I have them too and certainly every other person has them too. I don't know if you can save this world and I don't know if it will still be the world we knew before Corypheus rose again. I can't tell you that the Inquisition will be able to do that or that there won't be many others who will give their lives for this cause. I don't know what will happen. I don't know what the future will bring. I don't know anything about what's coming. But I do know that you can do it as long as you believe in it yourselves a little bit that you can do it. You are not alone with your doubt Freya and you are not alone with your fear". I walked towards her and came to a halt in front of her. She gave me her full attention because I had spoken to her directly.

"But you are not alone with your hope either, for we all have it. Maybe not in the same things or the same people but it is in all of us. Freya nodded and gave me a smile that truly came from the heart.

"I thank you for these words. I could imagine how good it was for her to be told something like that every now and then. I myself felt that it was just honest words that I was addressing to someone, but for her it had to be much more than that. She seemed to be sincerely and honestly happy and that over a par of honest words in the truest sense of the word. But apparently even such a small thing seemed to be enough to make her happy. I was sincerely pleased to know that I could at least sweeten her day a little and that only by being honest.

"Not for that. I was just being honest".

"Thanks for just being honest, though. It's good to hear that."

"Glad I could make you happy, even if it wasn't my intention." We made our way inside the base and were pleased that nobody came towards us on the way or suddenly jumped out from behind the door when we opened it. As expected it was just as shabby from the inside as it had looked from the outside. The floor was made of nothing but the stone that had already been outside, and the walls were made of dilapidated wood that I could have easily broken through. The first thing we saw were some boxes containing food and other things needed to survive. In others were some weapons that had probably come here by smuggling, definitely something that could be useful. I opened one of the crates and lifted a beautifully forged sword. Whoever had made sure it came here had paid dearly for it. I ran my finger over the fine forged blade and sighed almost comfortably when I noticed how well it could be guided. Suddenly I was amazed to see how a small drop of blood flowed down one of my fingers that had touched the tip of the blade. The wound itself closed the moment I found it, but I was still a little surprised. I hadn't even noticed how the sharp blade had cut into my skin, only when it had already happened I had noticed it. I had to admit that I liked these weapons even more than before.

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