Chapter 23. usurper of the throne

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But now it had been the case for quite some time that Kirkwall had no viscount at all. Of course, some had wondered if the champion could be the one to ascend the throne, but who would want to do so at that time? Although the champion himself had had to interfere more and more or voluntarily in Kirkwall's politics, to become a viscount was probably one number too many for him. After the fight in the city he disappeared with his henchmen and is considered to have disappeared since then. Nobody was able to find him and with time many had given up. Even Cassandra had searched for him for quite a while but without any success. Since Garret Hawk had already managed to defeat Corypheus and seal him, it had been in the great interest of the Inquisition to have Hawk take over the role of the Inquisitor, but since he was nowhere to be found, this interest quickly vanished into thin air.

The then Viscount Marlowe Dumar grew up quite sheltered in Kirkwall as a child of a quite unknown and quite small noble family. In his childhood, he rarely got to see the rather unattractive sides of the town, which probably blinded him a little bit many years later. As his family lived together very harmoniously and his parents worked peacefully, Marlowe grew up with the idea that with an honest and good attitude and work everything could be done. All in all, a somewhat rosy world.

At the age of twenty he then met Phyllida Bowens, the daughter of a cartographer

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At the age of twenty he then met Phyllida Bowens, the daughter of a cartographer. The Bowens were not a noble family and neither was Marlowe's, but they had a rather prosperous life thanks to the good work of the landlord. And as it is in every good love story, they met and fell in love and a short time later they got married. Their first child was a little girl named Venetia. Unfortunately she was quite sick and frail from birth and despite many attempts by many different healers they did not manage to improve her condition and only a few months after her birth she died. The extent of Phyllida's suffering could hardly be imagined, it was terrible. Only when she was expecting another child some time later, her mood brightened up again, but even this did not last long.

It was a risky birth and very difficult for both mother and child. The midwives soon realized that they would not be able to save both mother and child. Marlowe pleaded with the midwives to save his wife but with the last strength Phyllida had left she asked that her son be saved instead. The last moments left to the lady in this moment she used by holding her boy in her arms for the first and last time she called him Seamus before all life left her body. The name had been that of her grandfather.

When shortly thereafter the previous Viscount Perrin Threnhold made sure that all the roads on the water to the city were closed, Marlowe did his utmost to find ways to continue his family's business, which he somehow managed to do. When the old Viscount left the throne of Kirkwall, Meredith made a surprise announcement that Marlowe was a more than suitable successor, which probably surprised him most of all. She said that he was different from the dirt that usually besieged Kirkwall. That his family was modest and noble and had never sought power or wealth. With these words she probably convinced almost everybody of her idea and only a short time later Marlowe was actually crowned the new Viscount of Kirkwall. But when she sent him this box with the ring after his coronation, it was clear even to the untrained eye that she wanted to show him who really had the power over this city.

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