Chapter 6. Inquisitor Lavellan

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It was actually a day like any other, I could still remember that. When the night came to an end, the sky slowly became brighter and the sun prepared to let its first rays shine to earth, I also prepared myself to face my morning ritual. You could say that I awoke together with the sun, even though dragons tended to extend their sleep to half of the day, but since human blood flowed in me too, although a little bit weaker, I started my day quite early. I had settled down in a large cave, on the cliffs of the Emerald Tombs, as it was anything but easy to reach, unless you were a risk-taking climber or had wings. Over the years, this cave had grown bigger and bigger, because it had to offer me the place for my treasures, which sparkled in their full splendour when deeply tucked away and always made me feel good.

I was standing at the exit of my cave, at my feet a huge abyss, which would have caused a natural fear in everyone, but not in me. At first it was hard for me to plunge into the depths, trusting that I would change. But with time this fear had vanished into thin air. Letting myself fall and closing my eyes had long since become a feeling of freedom and carelessness for me. I looked up into the sky and saw how it became brighter and brighter as the minute passed by. A smile spread across my face as my morning routine had become one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I stretched my still tired bones and yawned extensively before I let my gaze wander over the picture in front of me. I saw the blue of the sky and the clouds that were forming into a uniform mass. My gaze wandered downwards and I saw another wide part of the forest than the one behind my cave. I could have fallen in love with this place every time anew, simply everything about it was just perfect in my eyes.

With one last deep breath I closed my eyes and let my body fall forward, into the almost infinite depths. I concentrated on the fire inside me and let it simply envelop me and let it penetrate to the outside. I didn't feel any pain anymore, but only this calming warmth, I had accepted the dragon in me completely and trusted my abilities one hundred percent and that's exactly why a change is very easy for me. Bright blue cracks formed on my skin and already in the next moment huge blue flames spread around me and took my body. It took only a few seconds and already the flames spread out, wings that darkened the sky. I let out a roar that made the earth shake and now I rose fully transformed out of the flames that slowly dissipated as I rose in my full splendour and with a strong flap of my wings into the sky.

I dived through the clouds and enjoyed the cool wetness that settled on my scales. With a sweeping movement I turned through the sky and waved my gaze to the horizon. And there it was, this moment above the clouds. Complete silence, apart from the beating of my wings. That moment when the sun slowly rose, first completely inconspicuous and then stretched further and further, over forests, rivers and valleys, was beautiful. Every bit of land was captured by its rays and for a few moments everything was bathed in gold. The clouds surrounded the light like a sea and showed themselves in the most different colours.

Each of my scales, which were already coloured in gold, now shone as brightly as if they wanted to compete with the sun itself

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Each of my scales, which were already coloured in gold, now shone as brightly as if they wanted to compete with the sun itself. I would not give up this moment and this sight for anything or anyone in this world, because these kinds of moments were my epitome of freedom. After I had lingered there for a while, I rose higher and higher into the sky. The world below me seemed to me only like small hills in a huge green area. I inhaled another deep breath and then put my wings close to my body and let me fall with all my weight. There was nothing to stop me, the wind did not move against me in a cutting way, but uniformly with me. I was fast, even faster thanks to my attached wings, I raced towards the long stretching river below me without slowing down. It all came very fast, very much closer to me, but that didn't worry me, because my eyes were able to estimate the remaining distance very precisely. 

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