Chapter 1 : New Beginning

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6 Months Earlier

Third Person POV

Trainer:"Pardon, Sir the reports for 4th generation training held yesterday is ready."

Trainer place the reports in front of that 'that man's and left the office.

That man now alone the his office looked at the reports with a tense expression and a sharp smirk, as he gazed at his dream nearing its realization with eyes embracing such a sharp glare as a quotidian.

The thing he relentlessly chased for after umpteen amount of hardship, setbacks for 20 years embodied with numerous challenges any normal person would have crush down from their sheer unfathomable difficulty. But after such arduous voyage he at last has found his treasure.

Many doubted him, Many called him a 'Mad Man' for aiming for such thing. Many tried to obstruct him.

But eccentric determination for keep working towards it, no matter the no. of  failures. Today he finally saw it becoming a reality.

His dream of creating A 'Perfect Human'
'A Masterpiece'


hen he put the file down look aimlessly at the ceiling in chasmic postulation. He thought he will feel a appeased, triumphant as he did achieved something nobody even dared to. He, who has imagined every possible way this day can turnout in all different timelines, but in all of them he predicted one common thing, he predicted a wieght being lifted off his chest which he has been carrying around for 2 decades now.


After seeing the reports of a certain someone he encountered a memory of past which left a stark unpleasantness behind Nonetheless he shoved those worthless thoughts away started his everyday works. But even continously trying to concentrate his mind continued to drift that the same memory. Which he unexpectedly recollect from that report.

He decided to relax and cast away these worthless memories, after giving into into a sense calm. He thought he can be buoyant and rising above them, yet he felt empty, continuing to peer at the plafond as he was contempleting the heavens themselves.

Thinking about his action and effects of those ones which originated from that memory. An bitter memory of 15 years ago instantly transpired in his conscious which he has cast-aside in search of his ambitious.

A promise he chose to disregard. A promise to a person who once cared about. A promise made on a death bed.

His word to someone, more appropriately the only one he ever cared about.

Over and over in that recurring memory of unimaginable tormented and agony every time he tried to reflct or cogitate she was there in front as his eyes as mirage as a chimera. Lively, beautiful brimming with life, watching him with her hair fanned out like a light brown halo around her head.

In her arms she held a child- His Child.

She smiled with her dazzling pink lips, the littlest quirk. giving him a the agonizing mix of love and pain, both in at its apex, evoked in his chest. He almost lost his footing that instant.

As his conscious retreaved from the
vision and her voice of that woman reverberation mind like a bat sound affecting his sense of acumen.

'Why this memory again and again.?'

'Why now? After all these year.'

Natheless the unvaried postulation continued to forge in his conscious as unremitting reminder of his deed over the years.

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