Chapter 8 : A Day at Sea

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Time skip (3 months)

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Pov

It been 3 months now since I moved to the mansion. Just finishing my morning breakfast I am now sitting I'm a balcony gazing at the sea spread till the horizon. I have been living the most pure and peaceful life one could. In this time the thing I been the most closest to is Nature. Almost everyday I have been in the crux on nature enjoy beautiful scenery and fresh air. I have been enjoying my freedom to the fullest. But I have also been busy, trying to sustain my physical shape, which is almost an unfeasible task after trying out new food everyday accredit to Matsou.

Since i found out that piano was mother's favorite instrument and she always enjoy listen to it. As I have been playing have also been increasingly investing in the piano. I always felt a warmth feeling in my chest whenever I play it. I have been trying out new tunes and continue practicing old ones. I don't think I can get any better at it.

Main think that matters is that Matsou and others especially has helped me learning most basic conversations to talk people. Telling me about the social norms one should always follow to be regarded as an mannered and civilized person, which was especially centered on girls. As Matsou described I have to extremely cautious around females, be polite and control any sexual impulse one might have, to not be regarded as a person might expressed in casual terminology as a pervert or depraved. He thought me few gentlemenly etiquettes and table manners. To satisfy my ever inundated curiosity I used internet as I learnt. It contained infinite knowledge. I have to say in these 3 months, Internet is the best thing I have come across. I have gained more knowledge from it then I ever imagined. I also find my interest in advancement of human technology from computer to soundtrack to military equipment. I decided to gain as much as information I can consume now and sort out later. From all I learned in these three 3 months I only intended to a overview on every thing I missed either important or trivial. I intended to calculate what I have to and learn in order to be absolute success at that school.

One such thing is; When I observed Matsou and other to their core, either be from familial or economic pov I learned everybody's reasoning behind every decision they make. After all observation and encounters I can conclude that Apparantely your status and superiority in the society is largely effected by facilitaties you are showing as an indication of your abilities and superiority. This is something I should keep in mind. Even though there no pressure from father on me regarding how I perceive my school there at AHNS. If it really is a Elite school it open diffrent realities I can conjure after going there. But I think Father will like me to show my abilities and show the world the Masterpiece he created however I also want to know about people. It is also true that I will a mere bystander for other to use as pedestal, if I don't show my eminence. I have to find the right decision around and desired reality in many of the multiverse I could already imagine, Before it erect madness. I have a recognised that it is prerequisite for me to establish my superiority to live and function outside White room, but what I should do at that school is still something to work on. Though that doesn't mean I shouldn't prepare for all of them now. I will gather all knowledge and change myself to as I will be capable of opening any door to any reality I like. My main goal for next 3 months is to understand:-

First, Emotional Manipulation. I have to find a way to manipulated peoples with emotions, not with intelligence. Though I don't know much about ordinary human, but it cleary evident from observation and encounters for the past 3 months or so, that humans in this day & age use 'heart' more than 'mind' for his decision. I am quite capable in exploit someone in psychological warfare but I don't think it's necessarily needed. I have found people easily persuaded and maneuvered with emotions. Emotions like sympathy, greed, love and hate are much more influential and easy to make others move. It might depend on level of intelligence in a ordinary human to find the truth behind it. Lower intellectual being will not understand the difference in real emotions and fake one. Though I don't necessarily need to emotional manipulate, I am well versed it psychological side of things. But, there is a big concern here. I have never manipulated a large group of people at once. There no problem in prima-facie, but people with glut or dearth of intellect and acumen will be a case apart. If someone is too intelligent or too stupid they might not fall for my mind manipulation if approached collectively. And If I choose to dominate and show my supremacy to the whole school at ANHS, there might be some student who can't even do simple deduction in such cases emotional side of things might be easy. But I can also deduct that in faking emotions, it will be pretty hard keeping up appearances, especially in front of people somewhat above ordinary intellect and observations. If someone only get the slight just of fake emotion it can endanger your entire existence. I have already decided to maintain the balance between the two. That's why its paramount for me to understand the 'emotions'. Like what make people tick? What drives a ordinary man? Their desires and ambitions. This all can take my psychological capabilities to a next level.

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