Chapter 5 : Competitions

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka PoV

"What kind ..of competition?" The real sensie spoke for the first time. Walking slightly inward.

"Oh,sensie you to can participate too. you may be believe it or not but I am pretty rich. In fact the suit I am wearing right now had a price tag of 250000 yen on it." I said it.

"Stop jocking around, so you to compete in whose is more rich, earned by your parents or family. You really are a rude kid, aren't you?" It seems sensie gathered some virtue and spoke.

"Yes, Hey, get lost don't joke around here, there nothing in which you can beat all of us on your own".Some student said following queue of there sensei.

"What makes you think we even believe you? I don't see anything in that suit worth quarter million yen."

"Here, there is a tag of it, check it yourself." I handed the tag after taking it out of my pocket to sensei after moving towards her.

"So,sensei?" I asked her looking straight in her eyes giving a eerie look.

"Y-yes its auth..entic. I believe you, rude kid. Now is this comp...etition you were about." She said while stuttering his words.

Everybody seems to believe her words about the tag being authentic.

"In this competition, I will write a question from acoustic and thermodynamics by myself here and if anybody out of you all including you sensie, will able to solve that question. I will give 10 million yen to that person and you don't have to worry about me keeping my word, there's a camera over there to recorded everything I said." As I said this almost everybody thinks that I was doing someone a hoax while some were looking towards the camera I pointed at.

"I don't think I have met someone as rude as you, burning your parents money. If you think we will let you go after the competition thinking you are child, you should back out now." She said in a state of sangfroid. I was impressed by her serenity and tranquility, many girls would have crying there eyes out after witnessing my appalling gape.

"So I take it you accept my challenge to all of you." I said asking everyone.

They seems to still not accept this situations as they can't swallow that a junior high-school kid can defeat them at these subjects.

"I take it everybody here has agreed to this competition. Though this is waste of time of my class but I think it will be amusing." The real sensie said while facing the students. Who agreed to her claims.

"Very good. You can back out now, rude kid." She said amusingly. I am dazzled by her valor to speak to someone, who apparently daunted her few minutes ago. I think she is not the type to stay down after beaten.

"No need, 'sensei' " I said while italicizing sensie.

After that I turned around took a chalk and started writing a question I remember to be the toughest in this subject.

I don't think any of them will be even be able to understand it, much less solve. If someone does I don't think 10 million is something father would mind giving to me.

After I finished writing the question. I turned around everybody was looking at me rather than the question. They all find it hard to believe that a 15 year old boy even knew about this subject. Then i put my hand on the podium elucidate my authority and said.

"Anybody, is there no one who can solve this. 'Sensei' how about you?" I asked her, while breaking her trance.

"I don't think anybody can solve that, it's one of the impossible's. No one has able to solve them till date. I am surprised you even know about it" she said.

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